Amy Schooler blazed through the competition at this year’s WBFF US Central Show and won her Pro Card! (Photo property of Amy Schooler)
By: Jacob Elyachar,
If you have not had the chance to read my interview with Aaron Becker WBFF Pro, click here:
I have one final WBFF Pro to introduce to you, readers.
Meet Amy Schooler!
Amy was one of many standouts in this year’s Diva Fitness Model category at the WBFF (World Beauty Fitness and Fashion, Inc)’s US Central Show.
For her Five Question Challenge, Amy talked about what drove her to compete in the WBFF and how she overcame the challenges that she faced during her preparation!
Jacob Elyachar: What drove you to the fitness world?
Amy Schooler: I got started working out in my late 20s, for the sole reason of looking (and feeling) good in a bathing suit. I did the group fitness thing for years until September 2008 when a trainer approached me at 24 Hour Fitness and offered a free session. So, I met with him a couple of weeks later, we chatted for a while about my fitness goals and then he put me through a short 20-minute workout and I was hooked…. I never lifted like that before. Then, it became about seeing how far I could progress and falling in love with the effort to produce results. (On a side note, I am now engaged to that trainer, so that day was pivotal on many levels)
JE: Why did you decide to compete with the WBFF?
AS: I started following the WBFF a few years ago and just loved the glamour, style and pace of their shows. I love how we get to show our personality so much with our posing. It was the only organization I ever considered competing with.
JE: You were amongst the winners in the Diva Fitness Model category. What are the major differences between this category and the Diva Bikini Model category?
AS: We both work our butts off to achieve our physiques. Some people want to think bikini girls don’t have to work as hard but that is just not true. The major difference in my opinion is the diet, but definitely not the effort!!!
JE: What were the challenges that you faced during your preparation? How did you overcome those obstacles?
AS: Within the first few days of deciding to compete, I sustained a stress fracture on my right ankle in October 2012. I postponed my goal to compete for a year, but I never took my eye off the target. I think the setback was actually a blessing that have me more time to develop my physique and add size to some specific areas.
JE: If you had the chance to meet with aspiring fitness models who want to compete in the WBFF, what advice would you share with them?
AS: It is going to be harder than you can imagine, time-consuming, and very expensive. But, if you have a passion for it, it will be the most exhilarating time of your life!!!!!
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