2014 was an exciting year for “Jake’s Take.” Thank you for all your support! (Photo property of Jacob Elyachar)
Dear Readers:
Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedules to read Jake’s Take. Your support means the world to me!
I am very proud to say that this blog has had its biggest year since the 2011 launch of its predecessor: jacobelyacharjournalist.com! As of today, Jake’s Take has been viewed 95,596 times this year. This number eclipses last year’s viewership (63,822 views) by 33-percent!
The success of my blog is in parts due to the countless organizations that believe in my mission: to revive and re-establish pop culture journalism as a credible news source after its near destruction at the hands of the tabloids.
I want to thank Artists United Worldwide, Effective Immediately Public Relations, LaFAMOS PR & Branding and Webster & Associates for trusting me with your impeccable clients! Because of these superb organizations, I was able to share the latest triumphs of Arika Kane, Joanne Weaver, Mark Salling, Midnight Red, Paul McDonald and music legends Gordon Lightfoot and Dolly Parton.
I also want to give special recognition to Chris Mann, Kim Yarbrough, Nathan Graham, Pentatonix, Ryan & Ashleigh Di Lello, Kent Speakman, Scott Herman, James Timothy White, fit2fat2fit’s Drew Manning, HitchFit’s Micah & Diana Lacerte and the Shaping Sound Dance Company! They are talented individuals at the top of their respective fields and always continue to enlighten Jake’s Take readers every time they return for a visit!
Because of those impeccable people and their dedication to return Jake’s Take, I have been able to branch out and meet a diverse group of performers that include Emily West, Jesse Kinch and Emil & Dariel; and rising fitness stars such as Grenade Jay & WBFF Pro Jamie Alderton, Olympus Iron and Shreddy Brek’s Adam Foster.
I also want to thank my amazing family: Gloria, Matthew and Aaron Elyachar for encouraging me to think bigger and to chase my dreams.
Finally, this edition of Jake’s Take is dedicated in the loving memory of my grandfathers: Daniel Elyachar and Ralph Matzdorff. These two men taught me the value of hard work, dedication and family. I hope that I made them and you proud.
Thank you for reading and expect big things to come in 2015!
Jacob S. Elyachar
Chief Content Producer-Writer
You can follow my adventures on social media! Connect with me on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter!