Today is a brand new day as has officially been rebranded into (Photo property of Jacob Elyachar)
Hello readers!
I want to wish each and every one of you a very belated Happy New Year!
As many of you have noticed, I have not been posting on my page in the past couple of days and posting on this brand new website that you are currently looking at right now.
I have decided to rebrand my blog as Jake’s Take.
Jake’s Take will have the same amount of informative interviews and intriguing analyses on all things pop culture that brought to you for a year and a half but it will also bring new features including 5 Questions, A Conversation with, What’s Coming and other interactive items that will be dedicated towards you the reader.
Also, I want to make this crystal clear: will not deal with any celebrity gossip what so ever. My goal is to not only make, an honest entertainment news blog that represents the best in pop culture, but to discover the finest in both discovered and undiscovered talent from the entertainment industry, business world, the publishing arena, the culinary world and the fitness community.
I hope that you join me on my brand new journey.
All the best!
Jacob Elyachar
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