My 20s were kickstarted when I graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2011. (Photo courtesy of Jacob Elyachar)
By: Jacob Elyachar,
On September 3, 2018, I will enter my third decade on this beautiful planet!
It seems like a lifetime ago when I walked across the Macky Auditorium stage at the University of Colorado at Boulder with my bachelor’s degree in broadcast journalism on May 4, 2011. My 20s defined my journey on Earth.
The Highs
During my 20s, I traveled across the world to the United Kingdom, where I spent four months living in a flat in London, England during study abroad with the Syracuse University satellite audience. Through my time at the UK, I got to study the British media’s relationship with American politics, Shakespeare, and British and European theatre. I also ventured across the United Kingdom with stops in Cambridge, Dorset, and Oxford, plus visits to Paris with the Syracuse gang and both Florence and Pisa, Italy with my family.
I also had the opportunity to intern at three different broadcast news affiliates. I found mentors at WDAF-TV FOX 4 News in Kansas City and both KMGH-TV ABC 7 News and KUSA-TV NBC 9 News in Denver. I was able to acquire the skills necessary that I needed to begin my online journalism career. Thanks to my internships and my time at the University of Colorado at Boulder, I was able to build the foundation of my career as an online journalist.
In 2014, I returned to Israel for the second time in my lifetime. Through Yael Adventures, I swam in the Mediterranean Sea where my friend, Josh, lifted me up over my shoulders and dropped me into the cold, salty water. I also have fond memories of praying at the Western Wall, traveling across the Negev with camels, and walked to the top of Masada.
As a pop culture fanatic, my 20s gave me incredible opportunities to meet some of my heroes. I got starstruck when I received a hug from Patti LaBelle in 2011 and shook hands with Simon Cowell during a 2016 America’s Got Talent taping. I also had the privilege of being in the audience of two tapings of The Late Show with David Letterman, saw Jimmy Kimmel interview Howard Stern in Brooklyn, and grateful to have a five-second conversation with Whoopi Goldberg while I was in the audience at July 2017 taping of The View. Finally, I will never forget the time that I met the legendary comic book industry luminary Stan Lee at Planet Comicon.
Hosts Matt Iseman (left) and Akbar Gbajabiamila (right) talked with me before filming “American Ninja Warrior” in 2017. (Photo property of Jake’s Take)
I also launched Jake’s Take in 2011. This blog helped me build my voice in the media world as I had the opportunities to interview a diverse group of people that ranged from music legends such as Cyndi Lauper, Dolly Parton, and Kenny Rogers to fitness entrepreneurs such as fit2fat2fit’s Drew Manning, WBFF Pros Jaco de Bruyn and Micah and Diana LaCerte, and Scott Herman. Also, I got to cover three of my favorite TV shows, America’s Got Talent and American Ninja Warrior, when they visited Kansas City, and one of the final episodes of the FOX run of American Idol at CBS Television City.
The Lows
While there have been some personal highs, there have been some low moments during my 20s. When I graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder, it was the height of the Great Recession. Finding a job in the media industry could be similar to be seeing a diamond needle in a golden haystack. It was discouraging to hearing a plethora of “No’s.”
Also, I lost two people that made an impact on my life. During the Summer of 2014, both my paternal grandfather, Daniel Elyachar, and my maternal grandfather, Ralph Matzdorff passed away. Both men had a significant role in my life. Grandpa Dan always encouraged me to continue to write, and without his encouragement, I would not be the writer and reporter that I am today. Meanwhile, Grandpa Ralph helped my brother, and I built Pinewood Derby cars and electric houses, plus he taught me how to be courteous, kind, and reverent.
What’s Next?
As I turn 30-years-old, I am celebrating my new life in New York City. While I do miss my friends and family members that I left behind in Kansas City, I needed to go after my dream of working in the media industry in New York City. I have had opportunities to expand my writing style by reporting on subjects that I have never tackled before such as physical science, social media, technology, and video games. Also, I got quotes from Amazon, Facebook, Google, NASA, and multiple researchers from all around the world.
I have several opportunities coming up that could help me build to the next chapter of my life and my career. I want to shout out to my phenomenal group of cheerleaders-my amazing parents, Gloria and Matthew Elyachar, and my outstanding brother, Aaron. Thank you for being my biggest supporters, and I am blessed to call all three of you-my immediate family.
I also want to give a huge shout out to my family, friends, and mentors who have supported me at every step of the way. Finally, a big thank you to my readers who continue to read this blog and follow my adventures in life.
I truly enjoyed the experiences from my 20s and here’s to my 30s!