Caleb Johnson, Jena Irene and Alex Preston learned who was going to the “Idol” finale on the final results show at the “Idol” studios. (Photo property of FOX’s Michael Becker)
By: Jacob Elyachar,
Last night, one of the greatest singing competitions of all-time celebrated its 500th episode.
While I was expecting some flashback moments and touching in-house tributes from some of the show’s famous alums or judges (we missed you…Simon, Paula, Steven, Kelly and more), I was disappointed on how the production team handled this milestone.
The constant selfies push was abysmal and having the Chainsmokers perform that cheesy song over a touching group number like “We Are The World” or My Chemical Romance’s “Sing” featuring the entire Idol family…was unforgivable.
Even the small glimpses of Jessica Meuse’s heroic welcome home trip to Slapout, Alabama and the promises of a Jessica Meuse/Jennifer Nettles and a Sam Woolf/Phillip Phillips duet at next week’s finale…might have cooled some fans’ tempers, the show constantly showing the judges and audience over Alex, Jena and Caleb is still inexcusable.
Despite these mistakes, tonight celebrated the Final Three! While it was great to see the hometown visits, there was a huge question on everyone’s mind…”Who was going to the finale?”
Read on to find out….
After an emotionally driven show complete with all three hometown visits and learning who they were going to team up with at the finale: Paramore (Jena), Jason Mraz (Alex) and KISS (Caleb), our Final Two for American Idol XIII are…. JENA IRENE and CALEB JOHNSON!!!
Next week, Jena and Caleb battle it out for the title of “American Idol.”