The heroes were forced to align with Zelena to save Emma from the darkness. (Photo property of ABC’s Jack Rowand)
By: Jacob Elyachar,
Do you remember the old saying: “Desperate times call for desperate measures?”
The Storybrooke crew are definitely experiencing some desperate times.
Now that Emma has bonded with the Dark One’s evil magic, she has become more diabolical than Jafar; more psychotic than Cora and nastier than Rumpelstiltskin and the Queens of Darkness combined. Her shocking actions over the past few episodes that ranged from trying and failing to instigate an alliance with Zelena to breaking the heart of her own son have fans questioning Ms. Swan’s lack of morals.
Now with Merlin missing and King Arthur showing his true colors, the Storybrooke gang may be running out of options to save Emma from herself. However, tonight they had to align with someone who has a wild card reputation: The Wicked Witch of the West.
Why did the Charmings form an alliance with Zelena? Read on to find out…
1000 years before the Age of Arthur, Young Merlin found a golden goblet (probably the Holy Grail) that turned his traveling companion into ash. However, when he drank from it, his touch transformed the desert into a forest! 800 years later, Merlin became a great healer and had an apprentice. He met a woman, Nimue, who wanted revenge against the Dark One and sought Merlin’s help. The two fell in love and he revealed his immortality to his loved one. However, Nimue became power-hungry and wanted to be immortal like her lover. The duo headed to Nimue’s ransacked village, where Merlin transformed the Holy Grail into Excalibur. Unfortunately, the Dark One killed Nimue. While Merlin was heartbroken to learn that the Dark One killed his true love, he was horrified to learn that Nimue became the Dark One’s successor.
Back in Camelot, Hook looked out the window and was shocked at what his true love was making: dream catchers that would steal memories. After watching this appalling sight, he rejoined the group as Merlin shared his plan to save Emma from the darkness. While Merlin would take Emma on a quest to find the magic that could unite Excalibur and the Dark One Dagger, the others would have to head behind enemy territory (King Arthur’s Court) to retrieve the two blades. Hook vented his frustration about Emma’s upcoming scheme to Merlin, while the great wizard tried to relate to him about losing someone to the powers of darkness. He also told the group to have more patience with Emma.
Little did the Charmings and heroes know that he was going to take Emma to tackle the original Dark One. Emma was hesitant accompanying Merlin because she just got Rumple out of her head and did not want to hurt her family. Merlin also revealed to Ms. Swan the two possible outcomes of their mission: either they would be victorious or Emma would be enslaved to the darkness forever!
Before the groups headed off on their separate quests, Hook went to check up on Emma. While Emma teased him with a Four Seasons classic, Hook cautioned her to be careful and exchanged “I Love You’s.” He also gave her his lucky ring and asked her to bring it back safely to him. Emma and Merlin were able to summon his ex-girlfriend, who was the one that broke Excalibur in the first place. Nimue further brainwashed Emma and almost killed Merlin, until Emma’s common sense broke her free and Nimue handed over Prometheus’ flame.
While the heroes were making a plan, Zelena chimed in and revealed that she knew a way to get into Camelot without Arthur’s knowledge. She showed them her escape route and Regina, Robin, Charming and Hook made their way into Camelot. As the heroes were making their way into Arthur’s castle, they were about to receive unwelcome company as Zelena sucker punched Snow and made her way into the castle.
While the heroes were making a plan, Zelena chimed in and revealed that she knew a way to get into Camelot without Arthur’s knowledge. She showed them her escape route and Regina, Robin, Charming and Hook made their way into Camelot. As the heroes were making their way into Arthur’s castle, they were about to receive unwelcome company as Zelena sucker punched Snow and made her way into the castle. Zelena also revealed her alliance with Arthur, who used to the broken Excalibur to control Merlin.
In Present Day Storybrooke, Emma began the monstrous task of uniting Excalibur and the Dark One Dagger. Rumple goaded her to fulfill Excalibur’s promise and make history. In addition to Rumple joining her, Nimue and the deceased Dark Ones watched as Emma united the sword.
Next week, Emma unleashes darkness onto Storybrooke!