Hope continues to run as both the Avengers and X-Men fight over her while the Phoenix Force continues to come towards Earth. (Artwork by Jim Cheung & Laura Martin; Property of Marvel Comics & IGN Comics)
By: Jacob Elyachar
Avengers vs. X-Men is shaking the Marvel Universe to its core.
Fans picked up AvX’s fourth issue on Wednesday and already blood has been spilled, traitors are starting to reveal their true allegiances and crucial players are about to make their next move.
Throughout the first four issues and other titles in the Marvel Universe, readers have had a chance to see different characters view the situation and what their agendas are going to be during the duration of the fight. So if you have not picked up any Avengers vs. X-Men related comics, here are some of the highlights from the massive event so far…. Warning! Spoilers are ahead!
Avengers v. X-Men: The story focuses on the Phoenix Force’s return to Earth and as the omnipotent cosmic being moves closer to Earth, both field leaders of Marvel’s premier superhero teams see the Phoenix Force in conflicting viewpoints. Captain America believes that the cosmic being would wipeout Earth while Cyclops has confidence that the Phoenix Force will reignite the Mutant Race.
But both leaders agree on that the Phoenix Force will need a new host and the Phoenix Force has its eyes set on Hope Summers. While Captain America sent a group of veteran Avengers on a suicide mission to stop the Phoenix, he gathered the Avengers including the feral X-Man known as Wolverine to bring Hope into protective custody. Cyclops refused to give up Hope and lashed out against the Star-Spangled Avenger that ignites in the first massive fight of the war.
As both sides fought, X-Men co-leader Emma Frost dragged Hope away from the fight and put her with the younger mutants on Utopia. However, both Spider-Man and Wolverine were able to track her down and before they caught the Mutant Messiah, she knocked everyone out with her intensified Phoenix powers and went on the run.
Cyclops’ Extinction Team escaped from Avengers’ custody by using Magik’s transportation powers. Both sides retreated and plotted to look for Hope. However, Captain America summoned Wolverine and confronted the Feral X-Men on his agenda in this fight. The duo got into a fight that led to Captain America knocking the feral X-Man out and abandoning him in Antarctica.
Meanwhile, the space Avengers met the Phoenix Force and began to battle with the cosmic creature. Unfortunately, the team that consisted of several of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes including Thor, Ms. Marvel, Beast and War Machine could not derail its course. While they continue to struggle taming the Phoenix, their teammates continue to engage the X-Men across the Marvel Universe. Issue four’s main plot focused on the surprising “alliance” between the Mutant Messiah and the black sheep of both teams: Wolverine. She egged him on with beers and asked him to transport her to the Blue Area of the Moon. Little did she know that Wolverine contacted his teammates and handed her over to the Avengers. As Cyclops and Emma catch up to the Avengers, Thor collapses in front of the group and states that the Phoenix Force is coming.
Avengers: Before the war with the X-Men happened, the Avengers were picking up the pieces of Norman Osborn’s latest attack. The group was reunited with Thor but before pleasantries are exchanged, Noh-Varr discovered the secret location of Monica Rappaccini and the remaining A.I.M scientists who evaded capture during the final battle. After the group captured the mad scientists, Noh-Varr checked in with the Kree’s Supreme Intelligence. The organic computer foreshadowed the arrival of the Phoenix Force and ordered him to intercept the entity and grab the energy of the mystical bird.
Sure enough, Captain America assigns Noh-Varr to join the Space Avengers on stopping the Phoenix Force. After their disastrous first rumble with the alien firebird, the Kree superhero advised his teammates on how to use Thor’s Mjolnir hammer to injure the Phoenix. However, as soon as they harmed the cosmic beings, Noh-Varr reveals his true agenda to the team.
Avengers Academy: Cyclops’ Extinction Team abandoned the younger X-Men and the Lights on Utopia after their battle with the Avengers. Wolverine and his fellow teammates drop them off at the Avengers Academy to prevent them from joining the X-Men in battle. As the young X-Men try to adjust to their new surroundings, Sebastian Shaw begins to plot his way out of jail to pursue his own agenda. Meanwhile, new recruit X-23 was divided on which side to join in the war. However, when the young mutants confront the Academy students, she declares that any young mutant should join the fight.
Uncanny X-Men: Before the Avengers invaded Utopia to capture Hope, Cyclops began to work on an emergency plan for Hope becoming the next host of the Phoenix Force and to counter the Avengers. During the first brawl between the two groups, two heavy hitters: Colossus and Red Hulk battled it out. However, when Colossus lost control of the Juggernaut powers and damages a crucial part of Utopia. This action angers Cyclops, who orders the team’s Public Relations officer, to write a threatening warning that states that humanity will pay because of the Avengers’ actions.
After the first battle, the X-Men split up to find Hope. Namor led a trio of X-Men to look for her at Tabula Rasa. However, the team encounters three of the strongest Avengers: Luke Cage, She-Hulk and Thing, and a brawl ensues. However, just as Namor was getting the upper hand, Magik teleports Namor to join Cyclops as he confronted Wolverine and the Avengers.
Wolverine and the X-Men: Before the war, Wolverine and Beast were relaxing at the newly built Jean Grey School for Higher Learning. However, Captain America, who came to the school on official business, cut their relaxation short. After taking on the rebellious Danger Room, Captain America told them about the Phoenix Force’s return to Earth. While Beast enlisted himself to confront the fiery cosmic entity, Wolverine prepared to head to Utopia to bring in Hope.
After the first fight in the epic battle, Wolverine returned to the school to talk to Kitty Pryde, the school’s Co-Headmistress, about the fight. Meanwhile, Cyclops, Emma and Magik made an appearance at the school to see if they can get Wolverine to side with them. While Wolverine refuses to side with them, several longtime X-Men veterans and instructors: Gambit, Iceman and Rachel Grey decide to leave their posts and fight against the Avengers.
For more information about the event, visit Marvel’s Website: http://marvel.com/
great post