Spider-Man stepped up to the plate as he successfully defeated Colossus and Magik in the ninth issue of “Avengers vs. X-Men.” (Cover property of Marvel Comics)
By: Jacob Elyachar
If you have not read my last war report, please read before moving on to this edition: https://jakes-take.com/2012/07/09/avengers-vs-x-men-war-report-2/
Warning! This article contains spoilers!
The tide is turning in favor of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes as the Marvel maxi-series enters the home stretch.
Avengers vs. X-Men: My last war report ended with an angry Phoenix-empowered Namor invaded Wakanda and nearly destroyed Black Panther’s home country. In Avengers vs. X-Men #8, the Avengers barely defeated the legendary Sub-Mariner before the remainder of the Phoenix Four absorbed Namor’s powers. However, the dark tendencies began to slowly corrupt the remaining hosts. In Avengers vs. X-Men #9, Emma Frost murdered a past mutant killer and Colossus and Magik slowly began turning on each other before defeated by Spider-Man.
However, relationships were broken as Storm and Black Panther’s marriage was annulled and Professor X and Cyclops’ father-son relationship continued to deteriorate. When an angry Cyclops ravaged the Avengers hiding spot, several Avengers fell before he faced off with Hope, who absorbed the power of Shao Lao, the dragon and sent the mutant leader to space at the end of Avengers vs. X-Men #10.
Avengers/New Avengers: A majority of the Avengers began to be captured by X-Men. Some of the heroes tried to escape their captivity but failed because either they were recaptured by the X-Men or trapped in a virtual reality controlled Danger. Meanwhile, Captain America failed to rally the Illuminati together as Red Hulk boldly tried to assassinate Cyclops. Professor X briefly entered the ring but could not fight his former students.
Uncanny X-Men/Wolverine & The X-Men: While the Phoenix Five were duking out with Mr. Sinister and his army of clones, the Jean Grey School students and staff who defected to join Cyclops’ side in the war slowly began to rethink their allegiances. Rachel Grey was the first one to defect as she let Hope go after a big battle in Wolverine and the X-Men issue 12. After seeing his father, Emperor Gladiator, being beaten to a pulp by the Phoenix Five, Kid Gladiator returned back to Westchester and continued to stay at his father’s side. Iceman was the last member of the staff to realize his mistake and returned to help a brokenhearted Kitty Pryde to rebuild a part of the school after her bad date with Colossus in Wolverine and the X-Men issue 14.
What’s to come? These two images speak louder than words….
Cyclops and Emma Frost duke it out as both the Avengers and the X-Men are caught in the middle. Whoever wins this fight will control the Phoenix Force’s destiny. (Cover property of Marvel Comics)
Will the new host of the Phoenix Force save the world or burn it? Who will win and who will lose? You will have to read October’s “Avengers vs. X-Men #12” to find out the answer to those questions. (Cover property of Marvel Comics)
For more information about Avengers vs. X-Men, visit Marvel’s website: http://marvel.com/