By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com
When I was growing up in the 1990s, my parents, Gloria and Matthew Elyachar, introduced me and my brother, Aaron, to several entertainers and shows who entertained us throughout our early childhood. They were Sharon, Lois, and Bram; Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop; Sesame Street; Barney & Friends; and of course, Fred Rogers and the cast of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.
While I outgrew everyone and turned to the DC and Marvel Universes, the Power Rangers, and Pokemon, I always carried the lessons I learned from Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood with me. Over the past couple of years, nostalgia has rightly resurrected Fred Rogers’ teachings and shined a brighter spotlight onto his legacy.
One film that I have been looking forward to seeing is A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. The film is based on the 1998 Esquire article that journalist Tom Junod wrote about Fred Rogers (Tom Hanks).
Warning! Minor Spoilers are ahead…
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood starts just like an ordinary episode of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood except that it introduces the audience to Lloyd Vogel (Matthew Rhys). He is an award-winning Esquire columnist that has a newborn son and happily married to his wife, Andrea (Susan Kelechi Watson). However, his past comes back to haunt him.
The wheels start turning when Lloyd’s philandering father, Jerry (Chris Cooper), reenters his life after walking out on him and his sister (Tammy Blanchard) when their mother was dying. While Jerry was able to reconnect with his daughter, Lloyd’s resentment leads to a brawl at her wedding.
After receiving a face injury, Lloyd returns to work to a shocking assignment. His editor, Ellen (Christine Lahti), asked him to write a profile on Fred Rogers. Surprised, Lloyd travels to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to meet him. However, little does he know that this meeting will dramatically change Lloyd’s aspect on life.
(End of Spoilers)
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is probably one of the most influential films that I have seen this decade. A significant part of the movie’s success was the screenplay. Micah Fitzerman-Blue and Noah Harpster beautifully showcase the power of Fred Rogers’ compassion through his interactions with Lloyd (and eventually his family). Some powerful scenes will move audience members to tears.
Tom Hanks once again delivers an impeccable performance as the TV icon. His extensive research on Fred Rogers could pay off during the awards season as I predict that several acting nods would come his way His co-star, Matthew Rhys, could also get some acting nominations as well. His portrayal of Lloyd perfectly showcased the emotional roller coaster.
Final thoughts & grade: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is a must watch film for everyone! Between stellar performances from Tom Hanks and Matthew Rhys, a superb screenplay, and great cinematography from Jody Lee Lipes, this movie will uplift audiences around the country. I firmly believe that A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood has a perfect amount of nominations coming their way. A