By: Jacob Elyachar,
It was a crucial night on America’s Got Talent (AGT): Season 15! However, all eyes were on K-pop boyband BTS. The “Dynamite” recording artists made their second visit on NBC’s summer talent competition. In addition to BTS’s appearance, AGT: Season 12 semifinalist, America’s Got Talent: The Champions participant, and Jake’s Take friend Colin Cloud also visited.
While their presence was welcoming, fans’ main concern was which acts joining Alan Silva, Archie Williams, Brandon Leake, Broken Roots, and Roberta Battaglia next week in the Season 15 finale. Which acts were voted straight through? Who needed the Dunkin’ Save? Whose fates were in Heidi Klum, Howie Mandel, and Sofia Vergara’s hands? Read on to find out!
In case you missed it, clickhere to read my interview with the second group of AGT: Season 15 semifinalists.
After recapping the evening with behind the scenes footage, it was time to reveal the last set of acts for both the Dunkin’ Save and the Judges’ Save. Terry told that Kendai Dodds, Bad Salsa, and Max Major were up for both saves. Based on the entire season so far, I gave my vote to Bad Salsa.
I really enjoyed the powerful package of how the acts and judges conquered the fear of “No!” The first set of results belonged to Celina and Cristina Rae. Cristina Rae received the first spot in the finale. As Heidi Klum jumped up and down with joy, Jake’s Take friend Colin Cloud enchanted the judges using pendulums. He correctly predicted what Howie (Paris), Heidi (yo-yo), and Sofia (Pharrell Williams’ song “Happy”). He also incorporated the last three winners Shin Lim, Darci Lynne Farmer, and Kodi Lee into the package.
As Colin left the stage, Terry and the acts reunited at the Dunkin’ Lounge. Next, it was time for the second set of results of the evening. Voices of Our City Choir, Daneliya Tuleshova, and W.A.F.F.L.E. Crew were the next acts to receive the news. I was surprised to see that Daneliya Tuleshova took down both Golden Buzzer acts.
Jonathan Goodwin, the Bello Sisters, and Brett Loudermilk were the final acts to receive the news. The third act that received a ticket into the Season 15 finale was the Bello Sisters. I am furious that neither Jonathan nor Brett made it to the finale. I would pay money to see either of them then the Bello Sisters.
I am going to be honest with you. I rather have had another AGT alum perform instead of BTS. I would have love to have seen Barbara Padilla duet with the Forte Tenors or Branden James promote his new book. Or how about the Angel City Chorale perform “The Rising”? As BTS left the Universal Studios Hollywood lot, Kendai Dodds stole a spot from either Max Major or Bad Salsa.
That meant we had to say goodbye to either two Vegas worthy acts. Sofia kicked off the voting round by voting for Bad Salsa. Howie gave his second vote to Bad Salsa! That meant that the duo would be heading to the finale.
Next week, the Season 15 Finalists face off for America’s votes & the $1 million prize!