Countless comic book fans across the country headed to their favorite retailer to participate in Free Comic Book Day. (Logo property of Free Comic Book Day)
By: Jacob Elyachar
Countless comic book fans headed to their favorite retailer to pick up some of new material to add to their collections.
Among the publishers that released free comic books included the Big Two: DC and Marvel Comics.
This article showcases what the major differences between both companies’ releases and which publisher won 2013’s Free Comic Book Day.
While DC Comics provided every fan with a reprint of a classic Geoff Johns Superman Story, they missed a big opportunity to bring new readers into the fold. (Artwork by Jim Lee, Scott Williams & Alex Sinclair; Property of DC Comics)
DC Comics
The House that Superman Built re-released the first part of Geoff Johns and Richard Donner’s epic Action Comics story: “Last Son.” While it brought back certain joyous memories including Adam Kubert’s superb artwork and Johns and Donner’s scripting, DC wasted its opportunity to showcase any of its new stories that focused on the Man of Steel.
The only new material that was offered was a brief interview with Scott Snyder and Jim Lee that talked about their upcoming series: Superman Unchained. DC should have printed off a six-page preview of Superman Unchained, given an artwork-friendly recap of Grant Morrison’s epic Action Comics run and previewed the upcoming Superman movie: The Man of Steel.
“Infinity” brought Thanos back into the Marvel Universe and previewed the red-hot summer crossover series. (Artwork by Jim Cheung; Property of Marvel Comics)
Marvel Comics
Marvel blasted its readers off into space as it previewed the upcoming Jonathan Hickman-Jim Cheung mini-series Infinity.
This all-new story introduced the Outrider (a hybrid of Venom and Alien) and Covus Glaive (a Grim Reaper-like creature) as Thanos’ two new heralds in his conquest for the universe.
In addition to this new story, readers also had the chance to see the Avengers’ most dangerous villain at his nastiest in a reprint of a story that was featured in 1977’s Logan’s Run #6.
Plus, it also featured a sneak peek at Marvel’s first Original Graphic Novel- Avengers: Endless Wartime by Warren Ellis & Mike McKone.
The Winner is…. MARVEL Comics!
The House of Ideas won over fans this Free Comic Book day with its preview of Infinity and several other stories while paying homage to one of its greatest villains. Hopefully, they will able to repeat their victory next year…
To learn more about DC Comics, visit its website:
To find out more about “Infinity” and the House of Ideas, visit the Marvel website: