From hosting "Ant's World" and MY ISH on YouTube to filming a documentary, Anthony Hull continues to be an rising Internet star. Photo property of Anthony Hull.
By: Jacob Elyachar
Anthony Hull is one of the most prominent new faces in online entertainment. He perfectly juggles numerous projects that include interviews with rising talent like Mike Posner, Chiddy Bang and Asher Roth, filming his web series Ant’s World and his first full-length documentary: The Turnaround and being one of the hosts of the My ISH YouTube channel.
Recently, had the chance to correspond with him to talk about his projects, his interview style and what his advice is to people who want to start building their brand in online entertainment.
Jacob Elyachar: When did you decide that you wanted to start working on Ant’s World?
Anthony Hull: I decided to start “Ant’s World” in September of 2010. I had recently finished my first short documentary film entitled “In Passing,” which was the story about four individuals that had a major impact in my life. All the positive response from that film made me realize how many other inspiring people I had around me and the idea of a web show which was to highlight inspiring stories started to unfold.
JE: What were some of your best pieces that you worked on when you filmed Ant’s World?
AH: All of them were amazing for me. I am friends with everyone I featured, but the most amazing thing was that I learned something deeper than what is on the surface with every single one of them; I learned something new about all them. I loved that everyone was so unafraid to tell their stories and be vulnerable and I think that made it very relatable for audience viewers. I do have to say the episode on my brother was a very emotional and special episode for me, it was my way to honor someone that has had one of the biggest influences on me, and to see his reaction when he watched along with the response from audience viewers made it a very special episode for me.
JE: You recently sat down with a diverse group of people including Mike Posner and Hesta Prynn. How do you prepare for those diverse interviews?
AH: Preparation is key when it comes to interviewing someone. If it is a musician I will listen to all their albums and watch previous interviews with them, which helps me to avoid questions they are constantly asked. I think it is different for everyone, once I’ve prepared and I sit down with them it’s important for me to just let it go and have a conversation. I often find that questions will come up based on an answer they give. I really feel it is important to be prepared, but not to be confined by questions that you are ready to ask, ask the questions that you have prepared, but also allow room and possibility for something new to come out of the interview and more often than not that will happen.
JE: Can you describe the process of making your first feature-length documentary: “The Turnaround?”
AH: My partner on the film Greg Callan and myself are still working on the project. Principle shooting is going to take two years. It is our first feature length documentary and we are super excited about it and very passionate about the subject matter. When I think about it, I feel like I’m documenting something historical, this is the first time a failing charter school has ever been allowed to be turned around by another successful charter network in New York City. For Greg and I we get to see the process of passionate people who care about the education of underrepresented youth and are making sure that they get an education that they deserve. Everyday we are moved and inspired by the work of extraordinary people within the walls of Harlem Prep Charter School. Overall the process has been amazing, we are learning so much, but I know the final product will show an honest story of people trying to make an impact in the world of education.
JE: What makes you stick out from other entertainment based Websites?
AH: I don’t know if I would call my site an entertainment based website. If anything my site is just a place to house my creative endeavors, curate my thoughts and interests, and of course highlight so many of the amazing people I have the opportunity to know and have met. What makes it different and stick out in my opinion is that it is unique to me. Overall I just have fun with it.
JE: Can you give any advice to people who want to start building their brand in online entertainment?
AH: The things I recognize first amongst people who have a strong online presence is their identity/logo and the design and layout of their website. Also they are accessible, they leverage social media very well, and they are consistent with content. Today anyone can be their own brand and own entertainment outlet, you can grab a DSLR camera film something, edit it, and throw it up on Vimeo or YouTube. I’m just a big believer that if you want something then you go do it, it is that black and white for me. When I started all these different creative endeavors I had no idea what I was doing, but I just started doing it and within this process I have learned a lot and I’m still learning. Honestly no one does any of this on their own, surround yourself with great people who are curious, creative and that uplift each other and watch what unfolds.
To learn more about Anthony, visit his Web site: