Ride for 5’s Michael Hoffman and Nick Weesner rode over 3,000 miles across the South to get raise money for their two charities. (Photo property of Ridefor5.org)
By: Jacob Elyachar
Earlier this summer, I had the opportunity to correspond with Ridefor5’s Michael Hoffman and Nick Weesner. Together both of them founded the Ride for 5 non-profit organization that raises money for two different charities: the Humane Society of the United States and Ric O’ Barry’s Dolphin Project.
So how do they raise money?
Michael and Nick spent 45 days on the road where they biked 3,500 miles across the country starting in Miami, Florida and ended in Santa Monica, California. Along the way, they faced major obstacles including the ever-changing terrain, Mother Nature and exhaustion in order to make their goal.
I had the chance to correspond with them but while it was tough trying to communicate with them on the road, they asked me if they could do record a video interview. So for the first time ever, I will be handing the keys over to Michael and Nick and they will describe their non-profit organizations, their journey across the country and their upcoming documentary.
Click here to read part one: http://youtu.be/eWFa1-FZQqU
Click here to read part two: http://youtu.be/WVU6OignC38
To learn more about Ride for 5, visit their Website: http://www.ridefor5.org/index.html