By: Jacob Elyachar
"Avengers vs. X-Men" co-writer Jason Aaron (on right) was at Overland Park's Elite Comics for a release party. I was very fortunate to have my photo taken with him and the number one issue. (Personal photo of Jacob Elyachar)
Warning! This article contains spoilers!
At 8:00 p.m. yesterday, comic book stores across the country released the highly anticipated first issue of Marvel’s biggest event of the year: Avengers vs. X-Men.
After months of hype through numerous Web sites and pop culture conventions, readers purchased the first issue of an event that could change the Marvel Universe forever…. so did issue one live up to the hype? Absolutely!
This issue was a pleasure to read from start to finish. While Marvel’s Architects: Jason Aaron (Wolverine and the X-Men), Brian Michael Bendis (Avengers), Ed Brubaker (Captain America), Matt Fraction (the Invincible Iron Man) and Jonathan Hickman (Fantastic Four) are properly credited for this huge story, Bendis wrote the superb script while comics legend John Romita, Jr. (Amazing Spider-Man) supplied some of his best pencil work in this issue.
Avengers vs. X-Men’s first issue showcases that the cosmic entity known as the Phoenix Force is heading back to Earth to find a host and both sides know that the potential host is Hope Summers, also known as the Mutant Messiah. Bendis perfectly executes both sides’ agenda for the event. While Captain America sees the Phoenix Force as a threat to the entire planet while Cyclops looks to the alien force as hope for the dying mutant race.
Of course both leaders do not see eye-to-eye to this situation and Cyclops makes the first strike in this conflict, which leads to the surprise reveal of many Avengers members including turncoat X-Man Wolverine ready to tackle Marvel’s Merry Mutants. The issue ends when several of the X-Men’s big powerhouses: Magneto, Namor and Colossus preparing to attack while Cyclops orders Emma Frost and Hope to escape while the Phoenix Force is shown in Hope’s eye.
Final Thoughts and Grade: This is one of Marvel’s best issues of 2012! Bendis’ fantastic script and Romita Jr.’s beautiful spreads including his gorgeous rendition of the Phoenix Force traveling across the galaxy and the avengers ready to confront the X-Men near the end of the issue will sell Marvel’s True Believers so that they can prepare for one of Marvel’s greatest rides in the 2010s. A+
great post