While the Avengers fought it out with the X-Men, Hope Summers continued to see her powers increase thanks to the Phoenix Force. (Cover art by Jim Cheung and Laura Martin; Property of Marvel Comics)
By: Jacob Elyachar
Avengers vs. X-Men: Round Two was released today and after issue one’s opening salvo this event continues to pull the heartstrings of Marvel fans everywhere.
Issue two started off with Storm stating the statement that a lot of fans on their minds: “Scott…. What have you done?” Cyclops declared that the Avengers started this fight by wanting to take away their Messiah (Hope) and stated that if they were successful the mutant race would be extinct. The Avengers had little time to act as Magneto turned Colossus into a human wrecking ball and tore apart the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier.
Then the fights began to break out. While the major players were fighting each other, Emma Frost removed Hope from the picture and put her with several of her Lights and former New X-Men. Iron Man ambushed the White Queen but she received reinforcement with Magneto as they began to battle, the Master of Magnetism’s estranged son Quicksilver arrived to beat him up while his daughter former Avenger Scarlet Witch began to leave her hiding spot.
Wolverine received catcalls from his former teammates as they called him a traitor and fought back with stating that they should take their heads out of Cyclops’s butt and asked where Hope was. Storm on the other hand confronted her husband, the Black Panther and both stated that they were on the wrong side. While Captain America was putting down Cyclops, Wolverine and Spider-Man sought out Hope and discovered that she was becoming more powerful as the Phoenix Force began to move closer to Earth. The issue ends with the Avengers away team ready to tackle the Phoenix Force head on.
Jason Aaron (Wolverine, Wolverine and the X-Men) scripted issue two and he did a phenomenal job scripting the battles and the catchy dialogue. There were some soon to be classic battles and dialogue brought to life by Aaron’s words and Romita Jr.’s artwork, which continues to remain his strongest in this decade.
Final Thoughts and Grade: Avengers vs. X-Men continues to impress fans with powerful dialogue and great artwork. If you are not reading this event, then you are missing one of Marvel Comics’ best maxi-series in years. A
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