By: Jacob Elyachar
DC Comics celebrated the first anniversary of its company wide relaunch by releasing zero issues of all its titles.
Now, while I did not have the privilege to read all 52 zero issues. This article will review eight of some of the most talked about titles that have fans talking
“Action Comics” fans learned about the boy who stole Superman’s cape and more about Eric Drekken’s schemes that made him interested in metahumans. (Cover by Ben Oliver and property of DC Comics)
Action Comics (Creative teams: Grant Morrison & Ben Oliver; Sholly Fisch & Cafu)
One of the premiere titles of the company is Action Comics. In the first story of the issue, readers explored the mystery of Superman’s cape and how the Man of Steel made his debut in Metropolis. Ben Oliver’s artwork was impeccable and it seemed cinematic like plus Morrison’s script was one of the better scripts during his run with Clark Kent. Sholly Fisch and Cafu’s tale focused on Eric Drekken, a member of the Anti-Superman Army who encounters Captain Comet. It was intriguing to see Fisch and Cafu explore Drekken as a character and what motivates him.
Final thoughts and overall grade: Both of these tales are extremely well written and drawn out which makes the readers’ experience with the book worthwhile. This author hopes that Action Comics have more solid stories like this in the future. A-
Aquaman (Creative team: Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis & Joe Prado)
While growing up, I was a huge Batman fan however I am slowly becoming an Aquaman fan. All thanks to the one and only Geoff Johns’s approach on the character. This zero issue focuses on Arthur’s first visit to Atlantis and the upcoming threat and New 52 introduction of his wicked half-brother: The Ocean Master. While Johns delivers another excellent script, Reis and Prado remains one of the best art teams on any DC book as they continue to bring Arthur’s world to life.
Final thoughts and overall grade: If there is a book that new readers should try out, it should be Aquaman. It will be interesting to see the new twists and turns that this title will experience in the upcoming months. A+
Batgirl (Creative team: Gail Simone & Ed Benes)
Batgirl has polarized fans since the announcement that Barbara Gordon will be back in the cape and cowl instead of fan-favorite Stephanie Brown. While Brown’s absence in the New 52 is sorely missed, this author is satisfied to have Gordon back in the role. Simone and Benes’ piece focuses on a school assignment that slowly develops into Batgirl’s “first” outing and how she became a member of the Batman family. Simone’s snappy script and Benes’ artwork make this a quick but fun read that slowly sets the stage for the title’s tie-in to the massive Death of the Family crossover.
Final thoughts and overall grade: Simone continues to deliver impressive scripts while Benes’s artwork has continued to improve throughout the first issues of his run and if they keep this up, Batgirl will blossom into a book that will drive readers to it. B+
Batman encounters the Red Hood and Lt. Gordon for the first time in this zero issue. Plus, readers learned what sparked the interest of three former Robins in the issue’s back-up story. (Cover art by Greg Capullo and property of DC Comics)
Batman (Creative teams: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo and Jonathan Glapion; James Tynion IV and Andy Clarke)
Batman #0 offers two different stories to fans. In Snyder, Capullo and Glapion’s tale, readers see Bruce Wayne’s failed attempt to stop the Red Hood and his gang from creating havoc on the city while continuing to build up to his war on crime. This issue perfectly illustrates why this title continues to be one of DC Comics’ best sellers due to the combination of Snyder’s astonishing script and Capullo and Glapion’s artwork. The second story tells the origin of the Bat Signal and how it impacted several members of Batman’s supporting cast. “Tomorrow” has been the best backup tale in The New 52’s short history because of Tynion IV’s take on Batman’s supporting cast and Clarke’s artwork.
Final thoughts and overall grade: Best zero issue of the whole lot! A+
Earth 2 (Creative team: James Robinson and Tomas Giorello)
Probably one of the toughest titles to read through is Earth 2. This title focuses on a parallel world where the world’s greatest heroes fell during a battle with Darkseid. This zero issue shows how the heroes came close to defeat due to the manipulations of the mysterious Mr. 8, who is known as Terry Sloan (the former Mr. Terrific). While Giorello’s artwork is great to look at, Robinson’s dialog and script no so much.
Final thoughts and overall grade: Giorello’s artwork is the only saving grace in this story and this is my last issue I will be reading of Earth 2. D+
Green Lantern (Creative team: Geoff Johns, Doug Mahnke, Christian Almay, Keith Champagne and Mark Irwin)
Fans met the newest Green Lantern in the title’s excellent zero issue. Simon Baz had a rough childhood growing up in Michigan due to the destruction of the World Trade Center and America’s hatred in Muslims has made his skin tougher. However, when he is captured by federal agencies, he gets one of the most unexpected gifts ever: a Green Lantern ring. This is a great introduction that paves the way to Rise of the Third Army plus it shows that this title’s favorite dysfunctional duo is still alive.
Final thoughts and overall grade: Despite the multiple inkers it took to deliver this story, the Green Lantern creative team delivers another solid issue that will lay the foundation to what’s coming up for the Green Lantern universe. A
Green Lantern Corps (Creative team: Peter J. Tomasi, Fernando Pasarin, Scott Hanna and Marc Deering)
Guy Gardner’s new origin is explained in this zero issue edition of Green Lantern Corps. We learned more about why he has a big chip on his shoulder, he has daddy issues and is considered to be the black sheep of his family. This was a great read because of Tomasi’s impeccable dialogue and Pasarin’s artwork.
Final thoughts and overall grade: Green Lantern Corps has improved so much from the first story arc and this title is one of the most underrated titles in The New 52. A-
Billy Batson harnessed the power of Shazam in the zero issue of “Justice League.” (Cover art by Gary Frank and property of DC Comics)
Justice League (Creative team: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank and Ethan Van Sciver) The past couple month of Justice League has featured Geoff Johns and Gary Frank rekindling the origin of Shazam in backup stories. They have successfully reintroduced Billy Batson as a 15-year-old misguided youth who always gets in trouble. However, the main story focuses on the first and potentially final meeting between Billy and the wizard and how be became Shazam. Gary Frank’s artwork has never looked better and this author has enjoyed reading this version of Shazam.
Another important tale focuses on Pandora, the Question and the Wizard. This tale unleashes more clues to next year’s big story: The Trinity War.
Final thoughts and overall grade: Two powerful tales in one book! Justice League has been the crème-de-la-crème of The New 52 and readers are ready for year two of stories. A+
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I strongly suggest reading Grifter Zero. This clears up any questions one would have of the origin of this character, and it also makes reades want to read the first few issues of the series over again because they understand the character more. I am hooked on Grifter and I liked how readers learn more and more about this character every issue. Considering the fact that this character doesn’t fully know what he is capable of yet and what his powers are! Us readers, along with the character, continue to learn more and more each issue.