By: Jacob Elyachar
Warning! Spoilers are ahead!
While thousands of fans waited in multiple lines to grab their copies of Uncanny Avengers #1 and Batman #13 at the New York Comic Con, this author was clever and smart enough to grab these two comics before they sold out at the local New York comic book shop.
This article focuses on the two hottest comics that you should be reading and will feature both pros and cons of each issue and why you should pick it them up…
Sara Pichelli’s cover to the first issue of “Uncanny Avengers” was impeccable because it perfectly showed off the attitudes of each of the team members. (Cover work by Sara Pichelli and property of Marvel Comics)
Uncanny Avengers #1-Rick Remender and John Cassaday
The Marvel NOW! movement kicked off with the premiere issue of Uncanny Avengers. In this issue, readers saw Professor Charles Xavier being laid to rest, confrontations between Cyclops and his brother, Havok plus Rogue and the Scarlet Witch’s almost epic catfight. In addition to all of the fights, we also learned that the Red Skull is back in action and is preparing to wipe out mutantkind all thanks to Professor X’s corpse.
Pros: Uncanny Avengers #1 had great references and innuendos to X-Men history including the House of M and Cyclops’s journey of becoming a “Magneto” like figure in the Marvel Universe. While I was hesitant with John Cassaday’s artwork especially on the regular cover, the superstar artist surprised me and delivered some of his best work since Astonishing X-Men. Finally, I have a feeling that the fans will enjoy the pacing of the story.
Cons: The only downside of the first issue of Uncanny Avengers was the de-characterization of Avalanche and Cyclops. Both men have worked hard to be at the positions that they were in two years ago, however it seems that the House of Ideas wants them as villains. Another idea that I am not fond of was not focusing on the Avengers Mansion, if the Uncanny Avengers are going to be stationed there, they should have spent more time there.
Grade for Uncanny Avengers: A-
Fans who attended this year’s New York Comic Con had the opportunity to purchase this variant cover. (Cover by Greg Capullo and Jonathan Glapion & property of DC Comics)
Batman #13-Scott Snyder, James Tynon IV, Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion and Jock
After a year’s absence, the Joker is back and scarier than ever before thanks to his violent makeover. In the story of part one of this monstrous crossover, the Clown Prince of Crime begins his assault against several members of the Batman Family including the Gotham City Police Department and a person no one saw coming…ALFRED! Story two featured the long-awaited reunion between the Joker and his longtime on-again/off-again girlfriend, Harley Quinn, which was one of the many highlights of the issue.
Pros: This book has everything that will satisfy everyone whether you are a Batman purist or a comics newbie. Look for lots of historical Batman references that are sprinkled throughout the title and strong artwork from both the team of Capullo and Glapion in the first story and Jock in the back-up feature. Also, the ending of the first tale definitely has some shock value to it.
Cons: The only thing wrong in this book was the sudden appearance of Harley Quinn, who is currently in Suicide Squad. I would have liked an explanation on how Joker found her or how did she escape from Amanda Waller.
Grade: A+