Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo kicked off “Batman: Zero Year” with a terrific first chapter! (Cover property of DC Comics; Photo courtesy of IGN)
By: Jacob Elyachar
What happens when you hand fan-favorite writer Scott Snyder keys to two of the most beloved superhero franchises in comic books?
You get two incredible issues filled of epic stories starring the Caped Crusader and the Man of Steel!
Warning: Spoilers are coming!
Let’s kick things off with the first chapter of the Zero Year!
Batman #21 featured two stories that focused on the return of Bruce Wayne to Gotham City and the training Bruce put himself through to become the Dark Knight.
Several longtime Batman aficionados will be pleased to see that Mr. Snyder has sprinkled several important elements of the Batman mythology into his story (the Robin insignia and the Giant Penny from the Batcave).
In addition, readers were re-introduced to two big antagonists: the Red Hood Gang, who were last seen in last year’s Zero Issue, and Edward Nigma, the man known as the Riddler.
There is a reason why fans love reading Scott Snyder’s books. They feel like they are in the room with their favorite characters and being the unseen third-party watching the conversations between Bruce and Alfred or driving away from the cops with Bruce and his murderous driving coach.
Secondly, the art from Greg Capullo, Danny Miki and FCO is stunning. Between the grand Wayne Enterprises building that Bruce’s mysterious Uncle Phillip showed readers to a “destroyed part” of Gotham City that was at the beginning of the story. The Batman art team really stepped up to the plate and delivered this issue.
“Superman: Unchained’s” first issue was the best debut issue of 2013! (Cover by Jim Lee, Scott Williams and Alex Sinclair; Property of DC Comics)
Mr. Snyder was able to show his range as a writer when he left the gritty streets of Gotham City and headed with Jim Lee, Scott Williams and Dustin Nguyen to outer space and the bright lights of Metropolis.
The first issue of Superman: Unchained was absolutely fantastic!
It was great to see the trio of Jim Lee, Scott Williams and Alex Sinclair team up with Mr. Snyder! They make an unbelievable team.
This was the first time since Grant Morrison’s departure from Action Comics that a Superman comic actually made readers thinks and take their time reading through a comic.
There were some stellar moments including Superman’s outer space mission, confrontation with Luthor and General Lane’s dirty little secret. I strongly believe that both new and veteran fans of the Man of Steel will be instantly hooked!
Final thoughts and grade: Both Batman #21 and Superman: Unchained #1 are not only great jumping on points for fans, but together these comics show Scott Snyder at his finest. (Batman #21: A+; Superman: Unchained-A+)