“All-New X-Men” features a fiery ending no one expect coming for one of the original X-Men. (Artwork by Stuart Immonen; Property of Marvel Comics)
By: Jacob Elyachar
I love comic books!
Every once in a while, I pick up several titles from both DC Comics and Marvel Comics.
This edition, I examine the latest issues of All New X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, Justice League, Justice League of America and Wolverine & the X-Men! Plus, I look at the premiere issue of DC Comics’ all-new ongoing series: Batman/Superman.
Oh and by the way…. Spoilers are ahead!
All-New X-Men #13 (Creative Team: Brian Michael Bendis/Stuart Immonen/Wade von Grawbadger/ Rain Beredo)
All-New X-Men has been one of my favorite titles throughout the Marvel Now! Movement and issue 13 is definitely one of the best issues yet. The original X-Men (minus Angel, who defected to the Uncanny team), Wolverine and Kitty Pryde confront the trio of Mystique, Sabretooth and Lady Mastermind, who have masqueraded as our heroes in order to get billions of dollars for Mystique’s enigmatic scheme. Bendis’ script was superb as he correctly balanced the amount of action with dialogue. Kitty’s monologue will be one of the defining moments of the run, in addition to Lady Mastermind’s revenge at the end of the issue. All-New’s art team is superb and they continue to capture the correct version of the X-Men. A
Guardians of the Galaxy #4 (Creative Team: Brian Michael Bendis/Sara Pichelli/Justin Ponsor)
Ever since Marvel Studios announced that they would be releasing a motion picture focusing on the Marvel Universe’s quintet of Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon and Groot, I wanted to know the story about this cosmic quintet. The fourth issue saw new teammate Iron Man work his billionaire playboy charm on Gamora but was overwhelmed by Thanos’s daughter. The Guardians also got some action in as the book was divided into two fights. Sara Pichelli’s artwork was very crisp and is a welcomed replacement to comic artist Steve McNiven. Literary icon Neil Gaiman will join the title next month as co-writer as his character, Angela, joins the cast. A-
The “Shazam” storyline ended in “Justice League” and might leave the door open for a possible ongoing series. (Artwork by Gary Frank; Property of DC Comics)
Justice League #21 (Creative Team: Geoff Johns/Gary Frank/Brad Anderson)
Since the beginning of Justice League’s second story arc, readers got an extra treat as longtime collaborators Geoff Johns and Gray Frank (Superman: Secret Origin; Batman: Earth One) delivered the New 52 origin of Shazam. Justice League #21 shows that it is ready for a Shazam ongoing and sets up a great status among the newly formed Shazam family and the early activities of an evil alliance. The only negative thing I have about this book is that I wished Shazam would have actually interacted with the Justice League, but otherwise this was a great book! B+
Justice League of America #4 (Creative Team: Geoff Johns/Brett Booth/ Norm Rapmund/Matt Kindt/Manuel Garcia/Robin Riggs)
Justice League of America deals with the World’s Most Dangerous Superheroes and their quest to find the Secret Society. Readers were revealed to find that Catwoman survived the Society’s assassination attempt and helped her teammates attempt to stop the Secret Society. While David Finch left the series to focus on preparing the upcoming mini-series: Forever Evil, guest penciler Brett Booth finished the arc and it actually made the book more reader friendly compared to Finch’s dark-and-grimy artwork that viewers saw in the first three issues. Justice League of America is continuing to get better and all I have to say…. bring on The Trinity War! A-
Wolverine & the X-Men #32 (Creative Team: Jason Aaron/Nick Bradshaw/Walden Wong/Laura Martin & Matt Milla)
Wolverine & The X-Men is my favorite book from the House of Ideas. This book perfectly combines light and dark humor, action and impressive dialogue in an incredible read. Right now, readers are in part two in the massive “Hellfire Saga,” where the new Black King, Kade Kilgore, has gathered the X-Men’s deadliest opponents to brainwash some of the X-Men’s brightest students in turning to the dark side. The W&TXM art team continues to deliver high quality work that perfectly bring Jason Aaron’s awesome visions to life. If you are looking to buy an X-Men book…. this is the book for you! A+
The premiere issue of Greg Pak/Jae Lee’s “Batman/Superman” will not disappoint readers! (Artwork by Jae Lee; Property of DC Comics)
Batman/Superman #1 (Creative Team: Greg Pak/Jae Lee/Ben Oliver)
For the first time in two years, DC’s top two superheroes have their own book together! Now called Batman/Superman, the team-up book features the first time the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel’s first meeting in The New 52. This was a spectacular first issue that featured some of Jae Lee & Ben Oliver’s finest artwork and I think readers will be for a wild ride! A-