I had the chance to meet Ann Curry last October and it was one of my highlights of my trip. Good luck Ms. Curry on your new job and I hope to meet again soon.
By: Jacob Elyachar
When I was in New York City, I woke up around 4:45 a.m. from my cousin’s apartment and quickly got dressed and rushed out to hail a taxi to Rockefeller Plaza.
As I arrived outside the TODAY Show’s Studio 1A, I met dozens of people from across the country and world, who like me were brave enough to face the New York City’s elements to stand outside and have the chance to interact with Matt Lauer, Al Roker, Natalie Morales and Ann Curry.
It was one of my dreams to stand outside of The Today Show and my dream came true around 7:00 a.m. when I heard the words live for the first time….”Good Morning….” and “From NBC News, this is TODAY…. with Matt Lauer and Ann Curry.” Like all of my fellow watchers, I screamed at the top of my lungs as the cameras came down from the Plaza and transitioned inside to both co-anchors, who sat at the anchor desk.
Around 7:55 a.m., the outdoor audience buzzed as rumbles that Matt, Ann and Al were heading outside to meet with the crowd. I was beyond ecstatic when Ann rushed out and headed in my direction. I was one of the people who got to meet her and received my first of many hugs from her. That moment remains one of my highlights in both my professional and personal life.
Let’s fast-forward to earlier this month when multiple sources including The Huffington Post, TMZ and the New York Times stated Ann Curry was going to receive her walking papers. Many fans were outraged with NBC’s decision and fought against the decision with a petition to save Ann from the pink slip. However, it was confirmed this morning when Ann announced that this would be her last morning of her co-hosting TODAY.
Fighting back tears, Ann stated that she would be leaving the couch after 17 years to lead a team of journalists of her choosing that will travel all over the United States and the world to report on stories that will help clarify any misconceptions and do the work that “most of us got into journalism to do.” She also announced that these stories will be run on all NBC platforms including the TODAY Show. Before the segment ended, she thanked all of the on-air talent, the behind the scenes crew and the viewers at home, whom Ann called…”the true TODAY show family.”
I alongside countless other viewers, journalists and fans wish Ms. Curry the best in the next chapter of her professional career and I am looking forward to see these stories.
To watch Ann Curry’s farewell, click here: http://allday.today.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/06/28/12455567-ann-curry-announces-new-role-at-nbc-news?lite
great post