The Meshugge Crossfit athletes that competed in the first Life Equals Crossfit Competition Series hang out with friends, family and co-workers who came out and cheered them on throughout the event. (Photo by Jacob Elyachar)
By: Jacob Elyachar
It’s 8:30 on a Saturday morning and hundreds of people are gathered inside the Crossfit Olathe gym to prepare for the first Life Equals Crossfit Competition Series.
Amongst this giant group of competitors are five outstanding athletes from Meshugge Crossfit, who warm up while waiting to hear about the day’s schedule.
This event marks the second citywide competition that Meshugge Crossfit has participated but however for the first time in its nine-months existence, that the athletes would not be competing as a team.
“Not only did we competed against teammates of ours that we compete against everyday,” said Brady Mora, Meshugge Crossfit’s Head Coach and Trainer. “But we competed against 60 of the finest Kansas City Crossfit athletes to find out how we range as competition in the city.”
Ever since Meshuggie Crossfit started, dozens of people including TJ Kiblen, Mitch Gold, Michelle Stout and Danielle Wilson began to take Crossfit’s weekday classes at the Jewish Community Center to improve their physical stamina and athleticism.
“My mom works out at the Jewish Community Center and she thought it would be pretty fitting for me because I like to compete, I love lifting (weights) and being a good athlete.” TJ Kiblen said. “I showed up here one day and I absolutely fell in love with it and I have not look back since. “
For people who have not heard about Crossfit, it is not your typical workout class.
“We learn a new strength or skill and we go through our WOD, which is our Workout of the Day and that’s where the fun and magic really happens,” Mora said. “The WODs can be anywhere between two minutes to 45 minutes to accomplish that day and then afterwards we usually have a cool down.”
During the Life Equals Crossfit Competition series, the athletes had to face three different WODs. In the first round, athletes had to row 150 meters, do 15 hand release burpees, row another 150 meters, perform 15 overhead squats and finish up the round with walking lunges.
The competition also continued to test the Crossfit athletes with intriguing challenges including doing as many reps as possible while doing four power cleans, eight ring dips or hand release push ups and 12 kettle ball swings.
Danielle Wilson showed true determination and impeccable skill during this competition. She placed third in the Women’s Scaled Division. (Photo by Jacob Elyachar)
At the end of the first ever Life Equals Crossfit Competition Series, Danielle Wilson finished in third place in the Women’s Scaled Division while Michelle Stout placed in the Top 15 of the Women’s RX (recommended) Division and both TJ Kiblen and Brady Mora made the Top 20 in the Men’s RX Division.
What drove all five of the Meshuggie athletes to success was the support of their fellow athletes and family members who cheered them on throughout the entire day.
“The most awarding part of being a part of Meshugge Crossfit is probably the camaraderie between the athletes.” Kiblen said. “We are all just a big family here and it is real rewarding to have everyone pushing you.”
Coach Mora has also noticed how all of his athletes benefited from Meshugge Crossfit.
“I hear so many stories on how our athletes are losing weight and inches and getting stronger everyday,” Mora said. “I could not be any prouder of everybody that I met in the past six or seven months and how they have gained a new perspective in life.”
While many gym rats state that they go to the best all around class, Mitch Gold said that he would like to challenge their claim.
“I would challenge anyone to find another sport that has so many different people with so many different backgrounds and with completely different athletic levels in the same room at one time with their one goal of make each other better and that’s what keeps me coming back.” Gold said.
For more information about Meshugge Crossfit, visit their website:
To see photos of the Meshuggie Crossfit athletes in action, visit my Facebook page: