By: Jacob Elyachar
Death is coming to Storybrooke!
This Sunday, one of our favorite heroes or villains will fall.
Today’s article focuses eight characters that might be on the chopping block and their odds of not surviving “The Miller’s Daughter.”
Despite being in the hospital, Belle always has a history of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Could her streak of bad luck continue in “The Miller’s Daughter?” (Photo by ABC’s Jack Rowland)
Belle: 10,000 to 1
While Belle has been at the sidelines for the past couple of episodes, she has been known to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. If Belle is killed on Sunday, her death could a good reason for Mr. Gold to get better and avenge the only person in the world that loved him.
Henry: 1,000 to 1
Henry’s death could have a huge impact on Once but this author thinks that the shows’ co-creators Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz would not stoop that low at this point of the season. However, if Henry finds himself on the Chopping Block, it would be later on in this season. The person that could do Henry in might be his newly discovered grandfather (Mr. Gold), who would do this to change his future laid out by the Seer.
Emma: 500 to 1
A lot of fans could be upset to see the show’s main character bite the bullet during “The Miller’s Daughter.” However, the only thing that would be able to save her would be her parents’ love, Regina changing sides at the last-minute or her inner magic that viewers saw use to defeat Cora before in the remains of the Enchanted Forest.
David: 250 to 1
In the past, Prince Charming has always put his loved ones first. History could repeat itself if Charming dies at Cora’s hands. Another person that could do the deed could be Albert Spencer (King George) if the mother-daughter tag team decides to recruit him. David’s death would devastate his family and could possibly lead both Emma and Mary Margaret to the dark side.
Mr. Gold is already dying thanks to Captain Hook. Will he kick the bucket this Sunday? (Photo by Jack Rowland)
Gold: 125 to 1
Viewers saw Captain Hook successfully stab his longtime enemy in the heart during “The Queen is Dead.” While Mr. Gold has a higher chance to go down this episode, he would not go down fighting as he could either curse Henry or give Bae some of his power to help Emma out. If Gold does die during this episode, it could lead to the events of Belle becoming Lacey and Bae staying in Storybrooke to avenge his father’s death.
Mary Margaret: 50 to 1
Snow lost two important women to Cora and she has decided to take matters in her own hands and wants to kill Cora. This new version of Mary Margaret could be able to be successful against the mother-daughter duo but it seems that Cora and Regina have always had the upper hand against Snow White in both realms. This could mean that Mary Margaret could easily find herself in an coffin at the end of the episode.
Regina and Cora are strong candidates that could get the axe on this Sunday’s episode of “Once Upon A Time.” (Photo by ABC’s Jack Rowland)
Regina: 15 to 1
Regina was genuinely shocked when Cora revealed that she killed Snow’s mother in order for her to become queen. This might be the perfect time for Regina to reconsider her allegiances. If Regina has change of heart, she could finally return to the side of good and sacrifice herself to save Storybrooke and Henry from her mother. However, if she doesn’t continue her quest for goodness, Emma or Mary Margaret might be the person that could kill her.
Cora: 5 to 1
The Queen of Hearts’ time in Storybrooke is about to come to a conclusion and “The Miller’s Daughter” is set around Cora. There are only three people who could defeat and possibly kill Cora: Mr. Gold, Regina and Snow. While Rumple is dying from his wounds and would not be able to stop her, Regina or Snow could be able to take her out…but if they kill Cora, their actions would haunt them for the remainder of the series.
To watch a sneak peek of “The Miller’s Daughter,” click here:
For more information about “Once Upon A Time,” visit the series’ website: