The combination of Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy’s on-screen chemistry and Katie Dippold’s amazing screenplay made “The Heat” a box office hit! (Photo courtesy of Chernin Entertainment,
Dune Entertainment & 20th Century FOX)
By: Jacob Elyachar
Lucille Ball & Vivian Vance. Carol Burnett & Vicki Lawrence. Geena Davis & Susan Sarandon.
All three duos have made generations laugh and smile at their antics on television and on the Silver Screen.
Now the 2010s have their own duo that has an abundance of chemistry and can make audiences laugh out loud.
This duo is…Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy!
I had the chance to catch their new action-comedy The Heat at a packed theatre at AMC 20 in Leawood, KS.
The Heat focuses on straight-shooter nonsense FBI Special Agent Sarah Ashburn (Bullock) must team up with a bull in a China shop-type Boston Detective named Shannon Mullins (McCarthy) in order to stop a drug dealer.
Throughout this 117-minute film, Bullock and McCarthy’s characters butted heads with suspects, the DEA and even each other but their antics made audiences laugh hysterically.
There were two important factors that lead to the film’s success.
One factor was the Bullock-McCarthy chemistry. The Heat’s casting director hit the nail on the head when it came to casting these two actresses as their leads. Audiences were able to watch the combative and (at times) supportive sparks fly through their insults, nagging comments and actions.
Another important factor was the screenplay. One of Variety’s “10 Screenwriters to Watch,” Katie Dipppold, delivered a superb screenplay that will have audiences in stitches. Keep an eye out for a couple of scenes that will make you laugh: Ashburn and Mullins’ first meeting, The Mullins Family bickering and the duo’s attempt to bug a suspect at a nightclub.
Final thoughts and grade: This is one of the best comedies of the year that has everything from slapstick, crude language and even explosions that will make moviegoers want to see this film again. A