Kansas City filmmaker Bradley J. Lincoln delivers an impressive short that focuses on a new farmer facing the worst drought of the decade. (Movie poster property of Hidden District Studios)
By: Jacob Elyachar
Recently, I stumbled upon a 12-minute movie on YouTube that was produced, edited and written by Kansas City filmmaker Bradley J. Lincoln.
Dry Season focuses on a new farmer Marcus Dalton (Chris Bylsma, who was also an associate producer for the film), who struggles to keep his farm alive a difficult drought period. This challenge is also testing his relationship with his wife, Stacey (Kinsey Parker), who is pregnant with their first child.
What makes Dry Season successful is that this short is that it could make the viewer think about the exact thoughts running in a farmer’s head in the Midwest, who is facing a crisis similar to what Marcus faced in this film. Another reason for the film’s success is the timing as the Midwest is facing one of the worst droughts in the past decade and the cinematography, acting and screenplay were able bring this out-of-the-headlines story to life.
The only problem that I had with this film was that there was too much drama in the meat of the film and not enough small miracles near the climax.
But overall, this short piece showcases crisp cinematography; a strong screenplay, impressive lighting, some good chemistry between Bylsma and Parker plus several solid messages of hope in the film that would make viewers watch this film again. Grade: B+
To watch Dry Season, click here: http://youtu.be/Yu7ExIhaLMw