“Flight” is an impeccable movie that featured a strong performance from Denzel Washington and could a contender for several big prizes during the award season. (Poster property of Parkes + MacDonald Prods., ImageMovers & Paramount Pictures)
By: Jacob Elyachar
If you had a chance to spend $10 of your paycheck to go out and see a movie, then you should invest in Robert Zemeckis’ Flight.
This drama focuses on William “Whip” Whitaker (Denzel Washington), an airline captain who is forced to make an important life or death decision while he was under the influence.
Washington does an impeccable job portraying the troubled pilot who slowly starts to go out of control as the National Transportation Safety Board begins to investigate the cause of the crash. Denzel does an incredible job showcasing what a drug addict and alcoholic does by alienating his co-workers, supporters and family members. One of the best scenes of the film is when one of his deceased colleagues was about to take the fall of the plane crash; he honestly admits the truth about his demons. That scene could win him the Best Actor Oscar in February.
Other actors that could have potential award nominations coming their way include Don Cheadle, who portrays the charismatic attorney Hugh Lang; Kelly Riley, who portrays Nicole, a recovering heroin addict that Whitaker takes in and falls in love with; and John Goodman, who steals scenes as Whitaker’s friend and drug dealer: Harling Mays.
Another factor that made this film impressive was the screenplay. John Gatins’ screenplay perfectly combined character development, action sequences and lustful moments that made audiences think about the situations that were presented to them and feel empathy for several of these characters in the movie.
Final thoughts and grade: Flight’s standout performances, powerful screenplay and superb cinematography made this film a true contender to win multiple awards and sweep numerous categories during the award season. A+