Geoff Johns ended his run on “Aquaman” with the final chapter of “Death of a King.” (Artwork property of DC Comics)
By: Jacob Elyachar,
Happy day after Thanksgiving everyone!
As you head out on this impeccable Black Friday, take time to get some comics for your loved ones.
Here are five comics that I highly recommend for comic book fans of all ages!
Also, Spoilers are ahead!
All-New X-Men #19
Creative Team: Brian Bendis (Writer); Brandon Peterson (Artist); Israel Silva (Colorist); Cory Petit (Letterer)
The original X-Men teamed up with Kitty Pryde and Magik to save a mysterious woman from longtime X-foes: the Purifiers. While the Fab Five dealt with the bigotry from the post-Battle of the Atom world, Kitty suspected there was more to this woman and it turned out that it was a long-lost member of the team. Bendis continued to weave an intriguing tale that would make both Stan and the late Jack Kirby very proud. In addition, it was great to fantastic artwork from Brandon Peterson; I would personally love to have him on the title for a couple of issues. If there is one book that you need to grab…it is All-New X-Men. A
Aquaman #25
Creative Team: Geoff Johns (Writer); Paul Pelletier (Penciller); Sean Parsons (Inker); Rod Reis (Colorist)
Geoff Johns’s Aquaman run comes to a conclusion with the final chapter of “Death of a King.” It practically tied up all loose ends from his two-year run on the King of the Seven Seas and sets up a surprising alliance that will be featured in Justice League and Jeff Parker’s run on the title. I think fans will be very grateful that Pelletier, Parsons and Reis are staying on the title because I think they will be able to take the title to another level of excellence. Thanks for a great ride, Mr. Johns! A+
Rogue finally confronts Scarlet Witch in the latest “Uncanny Avengers.” (Cover property of Marvel Comics)
Uncanny Avengers #14
Creative Team: Rick Remender (Writer); Steve McNiven (Penciller); John Dell (Inker); Laura Martin (Colorist)
In this crucial chapter of Uncanny Avengers, readers will see the accumulation of the feuds between both Rogue and the Scarlet Witch and the Southern Belle and the Grim Reaper. Readers should expect for the Avengers Unity Squad to lose half of their members by the end of the book. Meanwhile, Kang summoned some of the Marvel’s greatest threats from diverse timelines for some sinister purposes. This book is probably Marvel’s best issue of 2013! I cannot wait to pick up #15…Bravo! A++
Wolverine targets S.H.I.E.L.D. in the latest edition of “Wolverine & The X-Men.” (Cover property of Marvel Comics)
Wolverine & The X-Men (Annual & #38)
Creative Teams (Annual: Jason Aaron [Writer], Nick Bradshaw [Artist], Walden Wong, Karl Kesel & Victor Olazaba [Inkers]; #38: Jason Aaron [Writer], Pere Larraz [Artist], Matt Milla [Colorist] & Clayton Cowles [Letterer])
The Jean Grey School returned with two new adventures this week. My advice–read the annual first! During the annual, the longtime fan-favorite Kid Gladiator made a comeback. If readers would remember earlier issues of WATX, Deathlok predicted that Gladiator’s pompous son will fight alongside the Avengers and it came true! After freaking out the Hulk, the alien prince decided to return and reunited with his classmates. He came back just in time as S.H.I.E.LD. invaded the campus and both Wolverine and Cyclops made separate plans to deal with them.
Both issues featured strong showings from Mr. Aaron as he featured his signature balance of both comedy and action. It is going to be very hard to see this title go away from the Marvel line-up in February. I hope that the WATX team wraps this series up nicely! B+