“Aquaman” celebrates its 25th issue as the King of the Seven Seas begins a new era. (Cover property of DC Comics)
By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com
WonderCon is upon us!
Next week, Comic-Con International’s three-day pop culture festival returns to the Anaheim Convention Center from March 31 to April 2, 2017.
In anticipation of this, DC Comics released it’s June 2017 solicitations. Before you head to WonderCon, here are some of the stories that might play a role at several DC Comics presentations at the comic book convention.
Aquaman goes into the Atlantian Underworld
After saving their people from Black Manta, the U.S. Navy Seals, and N.E.M.O., several rogue subjects have toppled Aquaman and Mera from the throne. Making things worse, a new ruler named King Rath has ordered for Atlantian weapons to be targeted on surface-dwellers. But, a hero has risen from the Atlantian Underworld! Who is this hero? New series artist Stjepan Sejic will join series veteran Dan Abnett in the latest chapter of the King of Seven Seas’ story, and the 25th issue is expected to drop on June 21.
Zatanna reunites with Batman in Detective Comics
The Caped Crusader meets up with longtime friend Zatanna in the pages of Detective Comics. But this may be a rocky reunion. At the end of the Batman/Flash crossover, “The Button,” Batman discovered a dark secret, and now that secret has lead him directly to the Mistress of Magic. What does Zatanna know about this newly unearthed secret? The creative team of James Tynion IV, Alvaro Martinez, and Paul Fernandez will reveal all when Detective Comics #959 drops on June 28.
Who will lead the Suicide Squad?
After Task Force X’s nightmarish battle with General Zod and his supporters in issue #19 (drops on June 14), the rag-tagged group of anti-heroes must select a new leader. Series writer Rob Williams and guest art team Eddy Barrows and Eber Ferreira will reveal clues to the new leader’s identity in issue 20 on June 28.
Superman versus Super Son
Superman must face off against the last person he ever thought he would face: his son! Jon Kent’s hazardous ability is out of control, which forces the Man of Steel into action in Superman #24 (on sale June 7). Meanwhile, Superman creative team Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason, and Doug Mahnke is expected to reveal the foe who is behind the Superman Family’s troubles in the 40-page finale of “Black Dawn.” The conclusion of the story arc (Superman #25) will drop on June 21.
A Titans betrayal/Damian shows his true colors in Teen Titans
After their crossover with Deathstroke, both the Titans and Teen Titans will have to face the consequences of “The Lazarus Contract.” In Titans #12, Omen learns the team’s dark future, and there is a traitor in their midst. Writer Dan Abnett and artist Kenneth Rocafort will drop this issue on June 14. Meanwhile, Damian Wayne questions Kid Flash’s future to the team, as Aqualad learns more about his family in Teen Titans #9. Will he find out that he is connected to Black Manta? Find out on June 28, when Benjamin Percy, Khoi Pham, and Wade von Grawbadger present their latest issue.
Can the DC pantheon trust Batman? Or will his newly discovered secret tear the multiverse apart? (Artwork property of DC Comics)
Scott Snyder teases Dark Days for the DCU
Scott Snyder’s epic summer event begins on June 14! In this 40-page one-shot, several members of DC Comics’ pantheon suspect that the Dark Knight has a few secrets he has been hiding. But how will Batman’s secret affect not only the origins of DC’s beloved superheroes but all the Multiverse? Longtime Snyder collaborators: James Tynion IV, Jim Lee, John Romita, Jr., and Batman veteran Andy Kubert will the one-shot that introduces this epic summer series.
For more information on these stories, visit DC Comics’ website.