Planet Comicon Kansas City will celebrate its 25th anniversary at the Kansas City Convention Center from March 8 to March 10, 2024. (Graphic property of Planet Promotions Ltd)
By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com
One pop culture event that has played an essential part in my life is Planet Comicon Kansas City. As a kid, my dad was gracious enough to take me to the now-defunct Overland Park International Trade Center to meet celebrities and creators and see panels. I have fond memories of meeting the late Adam West and Yvonne Craig, reading “Bite Me” from then Buffy actor James Marsters, who wrote in my autograph book, and receiving incredible artwork from Rick Stasi and Rick Burnett at Artists Alley. As I grew up, the convention grew up and moved to the Kansas City Convention Center.
The convention became more prominent every time I attended, with amazing exhibitors, phenomenal panels, and superb guests. I will never forget meeting incredible creators such as Jason Aaron, Amanda Connor, Jimmy Palmiotti, Scott Snyder, and the late Neal Adams. Taking photos with John Barrowman, Tom Felton, Ming-Na Wen, William Shatner, and the late and legendary Jason David Frank and Stan Lee were also true highlights.
Now, Planet Comicon Kansas City is celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary from March 8 to March 10, 2024! Here are some of the cannot miss people and events that will be at Planet Comicon Kansas City.
Actor Ian McDiarmid has terrified Star Wars fans for decades as Emperor Palpatine will appear at the 2024 Planet Comicon Kansas City. (Artwork and graphics property of Planet Promotions LLC)
All Hail the Emperor
For 40 years, Ian McDiarmid terrified Star Wars fans as Emperor Palpatine in various Star Wars media. Just in time for Star Wars: Episode One – The Phantom Menace’s 25th anniversary, the legendary actor will attend the convention and have a special panel on Friday evening.
Actors Rider Strong, Danielle Fishel, and Will Friedle will bring their The Kids Wanna Jump Tour to Planet Comicon Kansas City. (Photos and graphic property of Planet Promotions)
Reunion Time
Planet Comicon Kansas City’s twenty-fifth anniversary will host several can-not-miss reunions! Boy Meets World stars & Pod Meets World hosts Danielle Fishel, Rider Strong, and Will Friedle and Happy Days’ actors Henry Winkler, Anson Williams, and Don Most have panels on Friday and Saturday, respectively. Meanwhile, actors Jason Marsden, Omri Katz, and Vinessa Shaw will celebrate the Hocus Pocus franchise at their Saturday panel. Finally, Batman: The Animated Series creators Alan Burnett, Kevin Altieri, and Dan Riba, along with Diane Pershing – Poison Ivy’s first voice actress – will celebrate 30 years of the iconic animated series on Sunday, March 10.
Planet Comicon staple Rick Stasi and I posed at his Artists Alley table in 2023. (Photo property of Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar)
Superstar Creators
Artist and Crafter Alley is expected to be packed with celebrated comic book creators! X-Men’s legendary creator Chris Claremont and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles creator Kevin Eastman are scheduled to hold court. In addition to Batman: The Animated Series, creators Burnett, Altieri, and Riba expect more creators who helped craft the Dark Knight’s world to be stationed at their booths. From Batman Beyond creative Team Phil Hester and Ande Parks, Batman: Off-World creative team Jason Aaron and Doug Mahnke, Harley Quinn creative team Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Connor to legendary creators Eduardo Risso, Freddie Williams II, Patrick Gleason, Rick Burnett, and Rick Stasi, will be representing all of Gotham City corners. Ant Lucia (DC Bombshells), Bernard Chang (Monkey Prince co-creator and Teen Titans), Francis Manapul (The Flash and the Legion of Super-Heroes), and the legendary Kevin Maguire (Justice League International, Man of Steel, Metal Men, Supergirl, and Team Titans) are also expected to be a part of Artists Alley.
Planet Comicon cosplayers dressed up as Marvin the Martian and Duck Dodgers in 2023. (Photo property of Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar)
Cosplay at Planet Comicon Kansas City
Every year, the Planet Comicon cosplayers continue to elevate their game. Over the years, I have seen cosplaying attendees raise the bar when it comes to showing off their fandom. From the multiple Deadpools, Jokers, Harley Quinns, and Spider-Men to massive groups representing four Star Wars factions (the Jedi, Rebel Alliance, the Sith Lord, and Galactic Empire), Planet Comicon Kansas City cosplayers awe attendees with their incredible creativity. If your cosplay is worth $15,000 in cash and prizes, I recommend competing in the 2024 Planet Comicon Kansas City Cosplay Contest on Saturday, March 9, at the Grand Ballroom.
For more information about Planet Comicon Kansas City 2024, visit their website!
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