Jake’s Take’s Podcast: Sia-Lanu Estrella

By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com

 It is a privilege to welcome author Sia-Lanu Estrella to The Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar Podcast.

Sia-Lanu’s journey of leaving behind a high-stress corporate career to embrace holistic healing has informed her unique perspective and empowered her to help thousands worldwide. She is the author of a trio of books called The Rainbow Tablets. The Rainbow Tablets: Journey back to Wholeness focuses on restoring cosmic wisdom, while Divine Unity and Sacred Sexuality focuses on profound healing and activation. Finally, Abundance and sacred co-creation focus on a life-changing journey into the pure abundance consciousness and power of holy co-creation, which is a blueprint for embodying your whole cosmic nature.

She has become a trusted guide for Emmy-winning actors, Grammy-winning musicians, and top corporate leaders who seek to reconnect with their authentic selves in challenging times. Sia-Lanu offers several retreats to help people connect to The Rainbow Tablets’ principles through retreats, including one in Peru this coming June.

Sia-Lanu also hosts the Live Your Highest Expression Podcast. Through the podcast, she welcomes guests who help tackle topics such as ley lines, breaking through disempowerment contexts, and holding onto your empowerment. Previous guests have included Donna Byatt, Eric Bigger, and Yuanshuang Xu.

On this edition of The Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar Podcast, Sia-Lanu Estrella spoke about having Emmy and Grammy winners being fans of The Rainbow Tablets and why she started her podcast.

For more information about Sia-Lanu Estrella, visit her website.

Copyright 2020 Jacob Elyachar