Jacob Interviews…LLS Woman of the Year candidate Janelle McClymont

By: Jacob Elyachar The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Man/Woman of the Year fundraising campaign is in full swing.   Across the country, men and women from local chapters are gathering support to raise the most money to not only receive the title but to also support kids like Daniel and Taylor, who are the Mid-America Region’s […]

Jacob Interviews…LLS Mid-America MWOY Campaign Manager Lauren Scheldrup

  By: Jacob Elyachar Across the country, Leukemia and Lymphoma Societies pick out one boy and one girl to represent their chapters’ Man and Woman of the Year campaign.     The 2012 Mid-America Man and Woman of the Year Campaign’s Boy and Girl of the Year are Daniel and Taylor White.   Both siblings have suffered from […]

Jacob Interviews….LLS Man of the Year Candidate Leo Dominique

By: Jacob Elyachar All throughout the United States, the Leukemia and the Lymphoma Society chapters nominate local men and women to raise the most money to represent their chapter in the national Man/Woman of the Year awards.    This author had the chance to interview Mid-America chapter candidate Leo Dominique about the organization, his reaction to […]

Copyright 2020 Jacob Elyachar