A Tribute to Alan Rickman (1946-2016)

By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com This month will go down in entertainment history as one of the saddest Januaries of all-time. Multiple news outlets including CNN, Entertainment Weekly, NBC News, USA Today and Time have reported the death of celebrated British actor Alan Rickman.  A family member reported that Mr. Rickman passed away from a private […]

“Jake’s Take” joins “The Kansas City Jewish Film Festival”

By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com Since 1997, the Kansas City Jewish Film Festival provides an opportunity for the Kansas City community to explore Jewish ideas and values through films that would otherwise not be shown in the Kansas City area. I am very honored to announce Jake’s Take’s involvement with this year’s Kansas City Jewish Film […]

Jake’s Take On…The 2015 Kansas City Jewish Film Festival

By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com Movie buffs and members of the Kansas City Jewish community gathered at Hotel Phillips this past Wednesday for an exclusive kick-off that announced the upcoming 2015 Kansas City Jewish Film Festival. The festival will take place from Saturday, October 10 to Sunday, October 18. Throughout the evening, festival producer (and WDAF-TV […]

Jake’s Movie Review: Ted 2

By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com What is the major difference between Winnie the Pooh and Ted? Winnie the Pooh is a kind, loving and honey-obsessed resident of Hundred Acre Wood (and multiple Disney parks worldwide). Ted, on the other hand, swears like a sailor, is obsessed with pop culture and craves marijuana. The last time we […]

A Tribute to Christopher Lee (1927-2015)

By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com Multiple media outlets such as ABC News, Entertainment Weekly, The Hollywood Reporter & TIME have reported that actor Sir Christopher Lee has passed away, due to respiratory problems and heart failure. The celebrated cinema actor’s career surpassed eight decades and entertained multiple generations of fans. While Lee’s contemporaries such as the […]

Jake’s Take On…. Movie Trip TV

  By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com Attention travel lovers and film aficionados! There is a new TV show that is starting to gain major buzz! Movie Trip TV is the brainchild of television host Theresa O’Leary, which will unite both travel junkies and movie fanatics, as the show will bring the audience’s favorite scenes to life […]

Jake’s Movie Review…. Interstellar

By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com Space is truly Hollywood’s final frontier! Since the Star Wars prequels were released in early 2000s, the movies industry exited the Earth’s atmosphere and entered the cosmos with giant blockbusters such as Avatar, J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek reboot, Gravity and Guardians of the Galaxy! Another brave director famed for The Dark […]

Jake’s Movie Review: This Is Where I Leave You

By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com Death. The D-Word. It is the hardest and emotional parts of the circle of life! Over the past couple of months, my family has tackled this issue as I lost both of my grandfathers. One film that I had looked forward to watching after these events were the dramedy This Is […]

Jake’s Movie Review: Guardians of the Galaxy

By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com When Marvel Studios announced that the Guardians of the Galaxy would be given the Silver Screen, non-comic book fans stated: “Who the hell are the Guardians of the Galaxy?” The Guardians of the Galaxy are a quintet of outlaws who are the true definitions of anti-heroes! The group’s core line-up involves […]

Jake’s Movie Review: The Hundred-Foot Journey

By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com One film that I had been anticipating this summer is The Hundred-Foot Journey. Produced by Hollywood powerhouses Steven Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey, The Hundred-Foot Journey focuses on the story of Hassan Haji (Manish Dayal) and his family. Hassan’s family escaped from India as their family business with attacked by rioters as […]

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