Hades channeled his Ms. Glutch tonight on “Once Upon A Time,” but did Zelena fell for him? (Photo property of ABC)
By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the latest production of Once Upon A Time.
Tonight, Mister Tze Chun and Miss Dana Horgan present a deadly tale of romance in this episode of the ABC fairy tale drama. Last week, we learned that the Lord of the Underworld shared a special past with a certain Wicked Witch. Before the heroes were able to learn of this twist through the Underworld’s version of the enchanted storybook, Hook’s no-good brother, Liam Jones, torn out the crucial pages and threw them into a well, which eventually landed in Hades’ hands.
With the Lord of the Underworld losing residents one-by-one to the Storybrooke gang, Hades has taken some drastic actions. One, he has The Dark One (Mr. Gold) on a leash. If Gold refuses to help Hades, the Lord of the Underworld will be a proud owner of his unborn child with his true love: Belle. Secondly, Hades decided that Emma Swan, Snow White and Regina would stay behind in Underbrooke to atone for all of the Lost Souls that moved on to the afterlife.
As the stakes continue to rise, the Storybrooke crew must turn to one of the greatest nemeses for help. Will Zelena join the heroes’ cause? Or did the Wicked Witch assist her former lover and become the fourth major villain this season to work for Hades? Read on to find out…
Many years ago, Zelena celebrated her birthday and wished that Cora did not give her up in the first place. As she blew out the candle, the Wicked Witch received a guest: The Scarecrow. Zelena told the Oz icon that he was going to help her create a “very special” time travel spell and needed the symbols of innocence, love, courage and wisdom. Before Zelena menacingly stole his brain, a grown-up Dorothy broke into Zelena’s throne room. Surprised by her enemy’s appearance, Zelena tried to kill Dorothy…but she took the Scarecrow and escaped the Emerald City.
While Zelena confronted the Munchkins, Hades arrived in Oz and met with the Wicked Witch. Hades flirted with Zelena and offered his assistance in the battle against Dorothy. Hades was persistent and even used common ground with vengeance against the older siblings to bond them.
The duo arrived at Dorothy’s house and retrieved a bicycle that would help find the Scarecrow. Hades and Zelena’s love story began as they rode the bicycle throughout Oz. After a word of encouragement from Hades, Zelena confronted Dorothy and was able to steal Scarecrow’s brain. In addition, she gave Dorothy—a tongue lashing that she would never forget. As she cackled away, Hades was gone!
When she got back to her throne room, Hades cooked her dinner and revealed that he loved the Wicked Witch of the West. Zelena did not believe him and thought he would steal her glory. A heartbroken Hades returned to the Underworld.
Back in the Underworld, Hades demanded that Gold moved faster. However, Gold told the ruler that “magic could not be rushed” and stated that Hades’ wish of creating a portal is no simple task. The Lord of the Underworld countered that Gold’s “Dark One” tainted blood got the Storybrooke gang to Underbrooke, it can do so again. Hades revealed that he needed the portal to bring someone alive to the Underworld. When Gold asked the portal’s location, Hades gleefully revealed that the portal will be opened to Storybrooke. Just as the main villains opened the portal, Zelena made her reappearance in Storybrooke and tried to stop Belle and Blue from taking her baby. Belle grabbed Zelena’s daughter and jumped into the portal, the Wicked Witch followed her.
The trio arrived in Underbrooke and the Wicked Witch revealed they were in Hell. Belle escaped with Zelena’s baby. Unable to convince Mrs. Gold to let go of her daughter, the Wicked Witch went to her unlikely allies: her sister and Robin Hood. While they were shocked to see her, Zelena revealed that both her daughter and Belle were also in the Underworld.
As Robin hunted down his daughter, Rumple reunited with Belle and Zelena’s daughter. Gold came clean about his pact with Hades, Belle’s pregnancy and revealing himself as the Dark One. Gold also added that ever since he was a coward, he craved power and now that he has it…he wants to have his cake and eat it too. A furious Belle demanded that Rumple fixed this mess and then, she would consider loving him again.
Belle ran away from her future ex and was able to reunite the baby with Robin, Regina and Zelena. As the baby cried, Robin failed comforting his daughter, but Zelena was able to calm her daughter down. Just as her daughter was finished with her bottle, Zelena’s magic came back and instantly used her magic to freeze the trio. Unfortunately, she injured her daughter.
The trio was able to confront Zelena and the Wicked Witch revealed that Hades planned to use her daughter to create the time travel spell that she failed to create. A tearful Wicked Witch begged her sister and Robin to protect her daughter from Hades. This was the first selfless thing that Zelena has ever done on the show.
The trio was able to confront Zelena and the Wicked Witch revealed that Hades planned to use her daughter to create the time travel spell that she failed to create. A tearful Wicked Witch begged her sister and Robin to protect her daughter from Hades. This was the first selfless thing that Zelena has ever done on the show. She also confronted the Lord of the Underworld and he revealed that he built the Underworld for her. Before she walked away from Hades, he revealed that he still loved her.
Next week, Gaston returns and Hades confronts Belle!