By: Jacob Elyachar, It is a pleasure to welcome actor Spencer Breslin to The Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar Podcast. A talent scout discovered Spencer in a … [Continue reading]
‘Masked Singer 9’ Visits ‘Sesame Street’
The Masked Singer: Season Nine cast arrived on Sesame Street. (Photo property of FOX) By: Jacob Elyachar, The Masked Singer: Season Nine left the dangerous and dreary Gotham City and arrived at its complete anthesis: 123 … [Continue reading]
Jake’s Take EXCLUSIVE: Chef Dale MacKay By: Jacob Elyachar, It is a privilege to welcome Chef Dale MacKay to The Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar Podcast. Originally from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Chef MacKey began his career in the … [Continue reading]
New Music Reviews: Week of March 10, 2023
Welcome to the latest installment of Jake's Take's New Music Reviews! (Bitmoji property of Jake's Take) By: Jacob Elyachar, Welcome to the latest edition of Jake’s Take’s New Music Reviews! We got a lot of new music to unpack, so … [Continue reading]
‘Masked Singer 9’ Celebrates DC Superheroes
The Masked Singer: Season Nine panel (Ken Jeong, Nicole Scherzinger, Jenny McCarthy Wahlberg, and Robin Thicke) channeled their inner superheroes and supervillains on DC Superheroes Night! (Photo property of FOX) By: Jacob Elyachar, … [Continue reading]
‘Masked Singer 9’ Has New York Night
Did Medusa paint the town red or did she strike out on The Masked Singer during New York Night? (Photo property of FOX) By: Jacob Elyachar, The Masked Singer headed to New York City for its third week of competition! So far, … [Continue reading]
The WINNER of ‘AGT: All-Stars’ Is…
One of these performers became the first champion of 'AGT: All-Stars.' (Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC) By: Jacob Elyachar, Tonight, America’s Got Talent: All-Stars (AGT: All-Stars) crowned its first winner! Whoever won will have beat … [Continue reading]
Jake’s Take Podcast: Owen Likes Comics By: Jacob Elyachar, It is a thrill to welcome Owen Like Comics to The Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar Podcast. Superhero fans turn to Owen to learn more about some of the biggest names … [Continue reading]
JT’s New Music Reviews: Week of Feb. 24, 2023
Welcome to the latest edition of Jake's Take's New Music Reviews! (Bitmoji property of Jake's Take) By: Jacob Elyachar, Welcome to the latest edition of Jake’s Take’s New Music Reviews! We got a lot of music to unpack, … [Continue reading]