Robin Hood (Sean Maguire) returned to “Once Upon A Time”! Did he reunite with Regina? (Photo property of ABC)
The Author has been released! I repeat the Author has been released!
Thanks to the help of August, the Charming family released the Author from his prison. However, this Author may not the one that can help them against Gold, Maleficent and Cruella De Vil.
August revealed that this particular Author perverted several stories such as manipulating the Charmings into sending Maleficent’s newly born daughter, Lily, along with Ms. De Vil and Ursula into the Land Without Magic! Because of his misdeeds, the Sorcerer’s Apprentice banished him into the enchanted storybook.
With the Author running amok in Storybrooke, it is a race against the clock to see who will get to the scribe first! Will it be the Charmings (whose lies probably cost them their relationship with their daughter)? Or will Mr. Gold, Maleficent and Cruella De Vil finally get their happy endings?
Read on to find out…
Before we get to the chase to the Author, Once Upon A Time fans received two big treats-the return of fan-favorite characters: Robin Hood (Sean Maguire) and Zelena (Rebecca Mader)!
Zelena (Rebecca Mader) returned to “Once Upon A Time” with a big scheme that no one saw coming! (Photo property of ABC)
Read on to find out…
Before we get to the chase to the Author, Once Upon A Time fans received two big treats: the return of fan-favorite characters-Robin Hood (Sean Maguire) and Zelena (Rebecca Mader)!
This week’s Enchanted Forest flashback focused on how these two individuals first met! When the Sheriff of Nottingham threatened to close down Robin Hood’s bar with overdue taxes. Just as Robin Hood was getting ready to close shop, Rumple visited Robin Hood with an offer! He asked him to go to Oz and steal the Elixir of the Wounded Heart.
In Oz, Robin Hood reunited with Will Scarlett to search for the Elixir of the Wounded Heart. Will was shocked about Robin Hood’s appearance and agreed him to help him with his con. Just as he saw the elixir, Zelena confronted him. Before she could use her magic to destroy him, Robin outsmarted Regina’s sister and escaped the palace.
When he parted ways with Will, the former Wonderland resident stole the Elixir from Robin…leaving him to face the Sheriff of Nottingham. The Merry Men saved him from Sherwood’s villainous ruler. Marian worried about Rumple’s threat and Robin would disguised himself in case he has to face the warlock again.
The Charmings, Henry and Hook joined Emma on their search for the Author. Her parents revealed that he caused them to lose Maleficent. However, Emma blasted her parents for their decision to alter her life. As the Author was looking for magical quills, Gold caught up with the Author and offered him the chance to rewrite happy endings! Just as the scout party caught up with them, Rumple and the Author vanished into thin air.
After getting the Author to talk, Gold confronted Regina and told his former student that she was going to do his biding. While Regina was shocked at his behavior, Gold stated that he was not only going to threaten Henry, but also her true love.
We also learned about what happened to Robin Hood and his family when they were in New York City. When a thief took Marian’s bag, Robin reverted back to his Enchanted Forest self and chased the thief on horseback.
Once they arrived in Neal’s apartment, the Hood family got an unexpected visitor: a freshly banished Mr. Gold. Gold confronted the Hoods and demanded them to get out of the apartment. After Gold threatened them, he had a heart attack. Robin promptly took Gold to the hospital and the former Dark One stated that his dark deeds came back to bite him. The only thing that could save Gold was the Elixir of the Wounded Heart. At first, Hood refused to help the villain…but Rumple reminded the hero of his “Thief’s Code.”
Mr. Gold sent Robin Hood to Walsh’s shop to find the Elixir. After he broke into the shop, he had seconds to retrieve the potion before the NYPD arrived to investigate. Just as New York’s finest was closing in, Robin broke into a window and made his getaway. When he arrived home, Marion was furious that Robin was helping an ailing Rumple and the hero was shocked that his ex-wife would let him die!
Before Robin gave him the elixir, he made a deal with the Dark One: not to bother him again! He struck the deal and drank the elixir…unfortunately, he rapidly deteriorated because he drank cough syrup because Robin gave him the wrong item. It turned out that Marian had it and Robin’s wife turned out to be Zelena.
The Wicked Witch revived Mr. Gold and shared her failed plan to ruin her sister. Zelena wanted to be part of Gold’s search for the Author. She stated that in return for healing his heart with the Elixir, he would not go after Zelena and her quest for the Author.
When Rumple left the hospital, Robin met him outside of the hospital with Neal’s things. Mr. Gold refused them because it reminded him about his failure about his son. Robin also shared that Marian was acting strangely and the broken-hearted Dark One told the thief to grasp at his happy ending.
Back at his apartment, Marian questioned why Regina’s phone number was still on his phone. Robin confessed that while he still loved Regina, he could not get let go of Marian’s “miraculous” return. Little did Robin Hood know that he was falling in love with the Wicked Witch of the West!
Fast-forward to where Regina called Robin’s number and Marian answered it! Then, Zelena revealed herself to her shocked and outraged sister who began to tease the Evil Queen about falling in love with her happy ending! At the end of the conversation, Regina barked at Gold for not telling her that Zelena was alive. Gold also threatened Regina that if she did not help him turn Emma to the dark side, he would tell Zelena to kill Robin and Roland!
Next week, Cruella’s got a secret and Henry’s life is in her hands!