By: Jacob Elyachar, August is a very important month in the Jake’s Take calendar! This month is when I started my blogging endeavors. For those readers are new to the joyride known as Jake’s Take, I will give you a quick origin story…. After I graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder in […]
Home » A Word from the Publisher: "Jake's Take's" Fourth Anniversary
A Word from the Publisher: “Jake’s Take’s” Fourth Anniversary
August 16, 2015 By Jacob Elyachar
Filed Under: Reflection Tagged With: A Word from the Publisher: "Jake's Take's" Fourth Anniversary, American Authors interview with Jake's Take, August milestones, blog milestones, Chelsie Hightower interview with Jake's Take, Dolly Parton interview with Jake's Take, GrenadeJay interview with Jake's Take, Jaco de Bruyn interview with Jake's Take, Jacob Elyachar Interviews, Jacob Elyachar mentors, Jake's favorite interviews, Jake's Take blog, Jake's Take Fourth Anniversary, Lee Greenwood interview with Jake's Take, midwest entertainment based blogs, Olympus Iron interview with Jake's Take, Pentatonix interview with Jake's Take, Scott Herman interview with Jake's Take, Shaping Sound Dance Company interview with Jake's Take, WBFF pros Micah & Diana Lacerte interview with Jake's Take