Jake’s Take’s Podcast: Drew Angelman Returns!

By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com It is a privilege to welcome back for the fifth time onto The Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar Podcast – the one and only Drew Angelman. Drew is the creator and founder of Angelcake Entertainment! Since he last visited the podcast, Drew covered several Challenge spin-offs – The Challenge: World Championship, […]

Jake’s Take’s Podcast: The Challenge Historian

By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com It is a privilege to welcome Jacob Hollabaugh to The Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar Podcast. Jacob is known as The Challenge Historian, and since 2021, he has kept track of MTV’s long-running Reality TV competition, The Challenge. If it’s happening in The Challenge universe, Jacob will be discussing it on […]

Jake’s Take Podcast: Jon Brennan & Beth Stolarczyk

By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com It is an honor and privilege to welcome Reality TV legends Jon Brennan and Beth Stolarczyk to The Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar Podcast. Jon and Beth entered the pop culture world in June 1993 when they became roommates on The Real World: Los Angeles. Jon was the third houseguest introduced […]

Jake’s Take Podcast: Mike Lewis RETURNS!

By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com I could not do the Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar Podcast’s fifth anniversary season without inviting my honorary younger brother in the podcasting space, Mike Lewis, to record an episode. Mike hosts the Mike Lewis Podcast. Since his launch in March 2020, Mike has spoken with some of The Challenge’s most incredible cast members. From OGs including Beth […]

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