Jake’s Take’s Podcast: Matt DeAngelis

By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com It is a privilege to welcome actor Matt DeAngelis as a guest for a special edition of The Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar Podcast. Originally from Boston, Massachusetts, Matt grew up on showtunes and Boston sports. Matt studied theatre at the University of Southern Maine and The Boston Conservatory before heading […]

Jake’s Take’s Podcast: Producer & Host Rye Myers

Producer, host, and Rye the News Guy founder Rye Myers visited ‘The Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar Podcast’ to talk ‘Live with Rye’ & more.

Jacob Reviews…..Rock of Ages-The Musical

During my latest trip to New York City, I decided to see Rock of Ages.  It was one of the best decisions that I made that weekend.  This rock-jukebox musical focused on a love story that was intertwined the best hair metal songs of the 1980s.  When the show  premiered on Broadway in 2009, American […]

Copyright 2020 Jacob Elyachar