By: Jacob Elyachar, Jake’s Take is celebrating Batman’s 80th anniversary by creating CliffsNotes versions of Batman’s publication history from post-Crisis on Infinite Earths to now. In case you missed it, part one covered 1986 to 1999, while part two covered the 2000s toFlashpoint. (Warning! Spoilers are ahead!) Flashpoint’s conclusion rapidly changed the DC Comics’ […]
Batman’s 80th Anniversary: My Tribute to the Dark Knight
March 2, 2019 By
By: Jacob Elyachar, The Dark Knight is celebrating his 80th birthday this year. Artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger debuted the character in Detective Comics, Vol. 1 issue 27. The story, “The Bat-Man: Case of the Chemical Syndicate,” introduced readers to millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne. However, this was no ordinary millionaire. He had […]