By: Jacob Elyachar For the past two seasons, ABC’s Once Upon A Time has cast a spell over their audience. As the show begins its third season, viewers will find three of the show’s greatest heroes: Emma, Mary Margaret/Snow and David/Charming teaming up with three of their greatest opponents: Captain Hook, Mr. Gold/Rumpelstiltskin and Regina/the […]
Home » Peter Pan revealed Once Upon A Time
Once Upon A Time in Neverland
September 29, 2013 By Jacob Elyachar
Filed Under: Television Tagged With: Jacob Elyachar recaps, Neal Mulan Once Upon A Time, Once Upon A Time in Neverland, Once Upon A Time Peter Pan spoilers, Once Upon A Time Season Three, Once Upon A Time Season Three spoilers, Once Upon A Time the Heart of the Truest Believer recap, Peter Pan revealed Once Upon A Time