By: Jacob Elyachar, First Man, the eagerly anticipated Neil Armstrong biopic, recently landed into theatres across the country. The film’s sourced material is heavily from the 2005 James R. Hansen book, First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong. Armstrong forever became a part of both space and United States history when he and […]
Home » Ryan Gosling is Neil Armstrong
Jake’s Take At The Movies: First Man
October 12, 2018 By Jacob Elyachar
Filed Under: Movies Tagged With: Claire Foy First Man, Corey Stoll First Man, Damien Chazelle First Man, First Man film review, First Man movie review, Jake’s Take at the Movies, Jake’s Take At The Movies: First Man, Josh Singer First Man, Linus Sandgren First Man, Neil Armstrong and Janet, Neil Armstrong biopic, Ryan Gosling First Man, Ryan Gosling is Neil Armstrong