By: Jacob Elyachar Warning! Spoilers are ahead! While thousands of fans waited in multiple lines to grab their copies of Uncanny Avengers #1 and Batman #13 at the New York Comic Con, this author was clever and smart enough to grab these two comics before they sold out at the local New York comic book […]
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Jacob Reviews….Uncanny Avengers #1 and Batman #13
October 15, 2012 By Jacob Elyachar
Filed Under: Comic Books Tagged With: Batman #13 issue review, Batman Death of the Family crossover, Batman Scott Snyder Greg Capullo Joker annoucement, Jacob Elyachar comic reviews, Jacob Reviews....Uncanny Avengers #1 and Batman #13, The Joker's return to the DC Universe, Uncanny Avengers #1 review, Uncanny Avengers 2012 Rick Remender John Cassidy, Uncanny Avengers team members Havok Captain America Thor Wolverine Rogue Scarlet Witch