Comedian Taylor Williamson rocked a lack-luster semi-finals on “America’s Got Talent.” (Photo property of NBC, SYCO Entertainment & FremantleMedia North America)
By: Jacob Elyachar
Two months ago, thousands of people auditioned in front of AGT judges Howard Stern, Mel B, Howie Mandel and Heidi Klum for a chance to win $1,000,000 and a headlining spot on both the America’s Got Talent live show in Vegas and the nationwide tour.
Now only 24 acts remain!
Tonight, 12 acts performed for your votes and a chance to keep their dream alive!
Who blew everyone away? Who got buzzed? Read on to find out!
Before the show got started, Nick shared the news that one of the KriStef Brothers was injured and could not perform tonight and Howie used his Wild Card pick to bring back Red Panda, who had to originally drop out due a family emergency. The KriStef Brothers will be back next week.
Mel B’s Wild Card pick Tone the Chiefrocca returned to the stage and made the audience travel to the Church of the B-Double-O-T-Y. It was a complete train wreck! While Mel B stated that it was a great way to start the show, Howard stated that it was not a hit but he stated that Tone could be on a sitcom one day. I cannot believe Mel wasted her pick on him rather than singers Deanna DellaCioppa and Milton Patton. Worst performance of the night! F
Howie’s Wild Card pick Red Panda returned to the competition and made her Radio City Music Hall debut. She flew in this morning and in her pre-performance package was in tears stating that it was her time for her dream to come true. Despite, a bowl falling off of her, Red Panda did a nice job of balancing the multiple pieces of china. All the judges except for Mel B were happy to have her back and hoped that America does the right thing and votes for her. B
Impressionist Angela Hoover returned to Radio City Music Hall with a vengeance. She improved her material and did a 90-second piece about celebrity moms and nursery rhymes. She impersonated Ariana Huffington and Kourtney Kardashian but Angela soared on her impressions of Sofia Vergara and former AGT judge Sharon Osbourne. Scary Spice wanted America to vote for her and Howie added that she was the best impressionist working today! B+
Heidi’s Wild Card pick Duo Resonance was the next act to perform for the Radio City Music Hall audience. They are good acrobats and delivered an okay routine but are it enough to win the $1,000,000 prize? In all honesty, Duo Resonance does not appeal to a Vegas audience. D
Young magician Collins Key has taken this competition by storm! Did he top his previous trick? This time, he involved the entire Radio City Music Hall audience. The judges played matchmakers to find him a possible date. Out of the 6,000 members of the Radio City Music Hall audience, only one girl had all the characteristics that the judges picked out. While Collins is a fantastic performer, I thought that he did better during the first quarterfinal. B
Semi-finalists Innovative Force have become heroes in the hometown of Farmington, Missouri. The girls had strong stunts including the human staircase but they had one accident that almost derailed their 90-seconds. But it was like watching a routine done by the Blue Valley Northwest Huskies cheerleading squad. While Howard said that they inspired America, I agree with Mel B that it was messy and ladies… it is time to go back to school! C
Singer Dave Fenley returned to the stage to sing another song! This time, he paid tribute to his muse Mel B by performing an intriguing and acoustic cover of the Spice Girls’ hit: “Say You’ll Be There.” He made it his own and made Scary Spice very proud! While Howie and Mel B loved it, Howard ranted that it was Dave’s worst performance. I have to agree with Mel and Howie; Dave rocked it and surprised me! A-
Comedian Taylor Williamson continued the hot streak as he delivered a set dedicated to the Project Runway host. He delivered his most crude routine to date and actually did the impossible…Make Heidi Klum laugh! In addition, he received a standing ovation from both Howard and Howie! Meanwhile, Mel B stated, “it was completely inappropriate, but I loved it!” A
Opera singer Jonathan Allen was first opera act to perform for America. He decided to perform Les Miserables’ “Bring Him Home.” It was brave of him to do this cover to show his vulnerability. While Howard and Howie blasted him for his song choice, I hope that America votes him through! A-
Frontrunners Catapult Entertainment produced a train wreck tonight! The storytelling was abysmal, they were out of sync and it was messy all over! I think they lost the chance to perform for the $1,000,000. D
Cami Bradley tackled the King of Rock and Roll tonight when she sang “Can’t Help Falling in Love With You.” Despite some pitch problems, she recovered and shined rose to the occasion. While Mel B thought it was boring, all of the judges commented that she helped turn the night around. B+
Forte closed the show with a stunning version of the Righteous Brothers’ “Unchained Melody.” All four judges gave them a standing ovation! Mel B hoped that they would go through tomorrow and Howard stated that their performance was what he was waiting for! A+
Tomorrow night, six acts will go to the finale and both One Direction and Cassadee Pope will provide the entertainment for the evening!