Grant Morrison's Action Comics continues to be a fan-favorite title. Artwork by Rags Morales, Rick Bryant and Brad Anderson. Photo property of DC Comics.
By: Jacob Elyachar
Eight months ago, DC Comics relaunched their entire line starting with the very first issue of Geoff Johns and Jim Lee’s Justice League. March 7, 2012 will see the seventh issues of several titles including Action Comics, Detective and Justice League International published.
In order to prepare you for the upcoming seventh issues, will examine seven key titles from DC Comics’ relaunch.
Action Comics
Written by: Grant Morrison (main story: 1-6) & Sholly Fisch (backup stories: 4-6)
Art: Rags Morales (main story: 1-4); Gene Ha (flashback: 3); Andy Kubert (main story: 5-6)
The first four issues of Action featured a brand new take on Superman’s first adventure. It reintroduced classic characters including Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Steel and General Sam Lane but also revamped his villains including Lex Luthor, Brainiac and Metallo. In issues five and six, Morrison took readers into the future where Superman and the Legion of Super Heroes tackled the Anti-Superman Army.
Grant Morrison is amazing on this book and several of DC’s top artists: Rags Morales, Gene Ha and Andy Kubert have perfectly illustrated Action Comics’ main stories. In addition to the main feature stories, Sholly Fisch has provided new insight into important characters’ backgrounds including the new origin of Steel and The Kents’ lives before Superman’s arrival.
Final Thoughts & Grade: Despite concluding the first arc in issues seven and eight, Action continues to be a book that fans love to pick up and both writers’ materials are getting better with each issue. A
Written by: Geoff Johns; Art: Ivan Reis & Joe Prado
Many comic readers bought this title primarily because of the creative team behind Brightest Day, Blackest Night and Green Lantern. But like numerous times in his career with DC Comics, Johns has successfully breathed new life into Aquaman and his wife, Mera. In the first four issues, the duo faced off against the Trench and hostilities from Amnesty Bay’s citizens. Johns’ second arc will deal with the question: “Who Sunk Atlantis?”
This author and numerous fans alike enjoy Johns’ take on the characters and the troubling situations that Aquaman and Mera find themselves in. The artwork by Ivan Reis and Joe Prado is some of their best work in years.
Final Thoughts & Grade: While many have written off Aquaman as a lame superhero, this book pushes Aquaman towards a direction as a serious member of DC Comics’ superhero pantheon. This book continues to impress a lot of fans and it is a great time to get on board. A-
Written by: Gail Simone; Art: Ardian Syaf & Vicente Cifuentes
Many fans were shocked to find Barbara Gordon back in the role of Batgirl when issue one was published in September. To many people, Barbara Gordon was known as Oracle, the information broker of the DC Universe after Joker crippled her in the events of the Alan Moore classic: The Killing Joke. In the fourth volume of Batgirl, veteran writer Gail Simone weaved that the events in The Killing Joke still happened but Barbara recovered from the vicious attack and returned to her crime fighting roots.
Batgirl features a mix of old characters (Batman and both of her parents-welcome back Barbara Gordon I) and new (Babs’ new roommate: Alysia Yeoh and GCPD Detective Mel McKenna). Simone has also successfully created tragic opponents Mirror and Gretel that took Batgirl to the edge in each story arc. The art team of Ardian Syaf & Vicente Cifuentes continues to get stronger with each issue and they brilliantly bring Batgirl’s adventures to life.
Final Thoughts & Grade: This book continues to advance each issue and it is credited to Simone’s brilliant script and the excellent duo of Syaf & Cifuentes’ artwork. A-
Written by: Scott Snyder; Art: Greg Capullo & Jonathan Glapion
This book is one of DC Comics’ best sellers because of Snyder’s impeccable storytelling and Batman’s superb art team. Snyder continues to build on one of the best Batman stories in two years. The Caped Crusader’s opponent is the mysterious malevolent Court of Owls that has been part of Gotham’s history longer than any of the Dark Knight’s iconic foes and Batman himself.
In the upcoming months, Snyder and a majority of the Batman family writers will tackle the Bat Family’s ultimate fight with the Court of Owls. These past six issues (the precursor to the big crossover event) has been a treat to read because of Snyder and his incredible art team.
Final Thoughts & Grade: If you are not buying this book, then what are you waiting for? Buy this book! You will be happy that you did! A+
Part Two will focus on the Green Lantern Corps, Justice League and Justice League: International.
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