Aaron Becker is the final WBFF Pro to tackle “The Five Question Challenge.” (Photo courtesy of Aaron Becker & property of Nhan Tran Photography)
By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com
If you missed Jessica Wasinger WBFF Pro’s “Five Question Challenge,” click here: https://jakes-take.com/2014/06/the-five-question-challenge-with-jessica-wasinger-wbff-pro/
This is it! After weeks of introducing you to the newest members of the WBFF Pro family, it all comes down to one more Five Question Challenge!
The honor goes to one of the 2014 US Central Show’s co-winners: Aaron Becker!
The recently crowned Muscle Model pro and firefighter shared his thoughts on the challenges that he had to overcome while training for the show and his thoughts on the biggest misconceptions outsiders have on bodybuilding.
Jacob Elyachar: Could you please describe the Muscle Model category to my readers?
Aaron Becker: The Muscle Model category has guys a little bit bigger with more muscle than the fitness model category, but not as big as a bodybuilder and still have a model look.
JE: What were some of the biggest challenges that you faced as part of your training for the show? How did you overcome them?
AB: Managing my time efficiently. I am a husband and father of two; I am away at the fire station for 24 hours every third day and work a second job on my days off. Making time to get in quality workouts, prepping food, working on posing etc. was challenging. I had to train a lot during the early morning hours and later at night. But my wife, Shannon, and children, Sydney and Will, have always been amazing support.
JE: If you could describe this group of Muscle Models in three words. What words would you choose and why?
AB: The Muscle Models from the WBFF KC stage were Humble, Fun and Legit. This is an individual competition, but back stage it did not have that vibe at all. Everyone was supporting each other and having a good time. I think we formed a bond between all of us that day. I thought they were an impressive group of athletes. Any of the Top Five or Six could have won and would have deserved to win. I felt very fortunate to win. But, as good as athletes as they are, they are equally or more impressive people.
JE: What are some of the biggest misconceptions that outsiders have about bodybuilding?
AB: That they are men and women with huge egos lifting heavy weights. (Laughs) Throughout this process, I have met so many people who are so knowledgeable and passionate about their health and fitness. From different training techniques and nutrition ideas, there is definitely a science to it. And especially in the WBFF, everyone is so supportive of each other among the athletes. It is like a family.
JE: How important of a role do you think social media will play in the next chapter in your fitness journey?
AB: It is huge! I’ve met a ton of people in the fitness world through social media. It’s a good way to get out and promote yourself a little. I am not the most tech savvy person, but have been told I needed to be on Instagram, so even I have an account! Follow me! @albecker53
To learn more about the WBFF & the upcoming 2014 WBFF Worlds Championship in Las Vegas, click here: http://wbffshows.com/
[…] If you have not had the chance to read my interview with Aaron Becker WBFF Pro, click here: https://jakes-take.com/2014/06/the-five-question-challenge-with-aaron-becker-wbff-pro/ […]