CrossFit 913 co-owner Brady Mora talks about the upcoming Granite Games in this edition of “The Five Question Challenge.” (Photo courtesy of Brady Mora)
By: Jacob Elyachar,
Hundreds of athletes are making their way towards St. Cloud, Minnesota where they are about to take the ultimate test in the fitness careers.
For three days, these athletes will face multiple WODs (Workouts-of-the-days) that range from a Snatch ladder to a chipper that includes unbroken double unders, shoulder to overhead cleans, box jumps and chest-to-bar pull-ups!
Among one of the athletes that will be competing in this event is Brady Mora, Co-Owner and Head Coach of CrossFit 913 in Overland Park, KS. For two years, Brady has been coaching CrossFit at multiple gyms before founding his gym: CrossFit 913 with co-owner and coach TJ Kiblen.
Before he hit the road to St. Cloud, Brady dropped by Jake’s Take for a special edition of The Five Question Challenge.
Jacob Elyachar: When did you get interested in the Granite Games?
Brady Mora: I got interested in the Granite Games after reading about it online. I thought that the Granite Games would be a good opportunity to keep me training hard over the summer.
JE: Could you describe how you prepared for this massive competition?
BM: I have been preparing for the Granite Games by doing multiple workouts a day and supplementing a good diet.
JE: How did the Granite Games’ revelation of the WODS will help you mentally prepare for the weekend?
BM: The revelation of the WODs put my nerves at ease as everything we will be doing is not anything I have not done! It was also the chance to work on a few areas that I thought I needed to improve upon.
JE: What are going to be some of the challenges that you are going to face at the Games?
BM: Some of the biggest challenges that I will be facing at the Granite Games are running a fast 5K and getting a good PR (personal record) on my snatch!
JE: What do you want to accomplish at the Granite Games?
BM: My overall goal for the Granite Games is to have a Top 10 finish.
For more information about The Granite Games, visit their website:
To connect with Brady & CrossFit 913 on social media, check out their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter channels!