Fitness icon Scott Herman returned to “Jake’s Take” and tackled “The Five Question Challenge.” (Photo property of Scott Herman)
By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com
I truly enjoy when my friend, fitness icon Scott Herman, drops by Jake’s Take.
2015 might possibly be one of the biggest years in the entrepreneur’s professional career!
Recently, the Scott Herman Fitness website evolved into Muscular Strength.com, where he offers users intriguing articles, superb recipes and fitness tips that will continue to help people around the world get into shape.
In addition, Scott is a proud BSN-sponsored athlete, reached over 137,152,873 views on YouTube and had one of his dreams come true-having a role in the upcoming feature-length film: Bus 657.
For this edition of The Five Question Challenge, Scott talked about how the Hermanite community strengthened since the inception of Scott Herman Fitness and the challenges that he faced while creating his latest fitness system.
Jacob Elyachar: How have you grown as an athlete and fitness entrepreneur since the last time we spoke?
Scott Herman: Since the last time we spoke I have taken a GIANT step in the direction of power lifting. My goal this year is to pull a 550 lbs. deadlift, maybe even as high as 600 lbs. if possible. But, this is more of a personal goal. In terms of growing as a fitness entrepreneur, I am t system you need to help you reach your goals. You can create your own custom profile, upload photos and videos, create your own routine and meal plans and much more!
In addition to this, we are also now hosting a wide range of content from our members in the articles, recipes and workout sections of the site. We are also giving members the opportunity to become affiliates and earn income from referrals. It’s a very exciting growth opportunity for anyone in the fitness industry and we are excited to see what the rest of 2015 has to offer!
JE: In order for Hermanites to get leaner, you recently created a new Lean Muscle System. What were some of the challenges that you had with preparing the system? How did you overcome them?
SH: The biggest challenge is time. Creating these systems does take a bit of skill, but this is what I love to do. So sitting down and coming up with programs like these are not the problem. The problem is finding the time to do it! (Laughs) Since the relaunch of MuscularStrength.com, we have been working very hard to ensure our members are happy. It is also my responsibility to continue to produce high quality content for my YouTube subscribers as well.
Having a weekly schedule definitely helps keeps things in order with all my responsibilities. But, it would be nice if I could just have 10 of me for a week!
All jokes aside, the Lean Muscle System is an amazing system if you are looking to build muscle with very little fat. We plan on relaunching this system again very soon with another 30 days of additional training to continue to take your results to the next level.
Be sure to jump on the waiting list! You won’t want to miss it!
JE: One of your highlights last year was filming your very first feature-length film: “Bus 657 Movie.” What attracted you to the film? Will you audition for more films in the future?
SH: Being on the set of Bus 567 was an amazing experience. The film has such a great story that I was finished with the script before I knew it. It’s been a while since I have seen a really good heist movie with a kick ass plot twist at the end. If you are a fan of Ocean’s Eleven, then you will like this movie.
My character is Sergeant Thomas Forbes, head of the SWAT team. Erica and I had so much fun on set with the cast and crew that we cannot wait to see the film when it hits theatres in July. I would definitely like to have more opportunities like this!
JE: How has the Hermanite community strengthened since the inception of Scott Herman Fitness?
SH: The Hermanites are stronger than ever since the start of 2015. I have noticed a change over the last year as more of my community members are becoming aware of the abuse of steroids in the industry. Even guys who are around the same size as me are taking low doses of steroids and other drugs to maintain their ripped and muscular physiques. They are also giving bogus information to their community members leaving them frustrated and confused.
This has led to an increased awareness in my community as to what it truly means to be a natural athlete and as a result I feel I have gained even more respect from my members for always being open and honest with them and for staying 100% natural.
What I mean by all this is that the routines I create and the tips and information I give is based on achieving realistic results with no help from drugs. As you become a more experienced lifter, you will need all the help and tips you can get to maximize muscle growth and my community knows that I am dedicated to helping them achieve that goal.
JE: If you had the chance to meet with people who are struggling with their fitness journey, what advice would you share with them?
SH: I would tell them that we all share the same struggles. In my opinion the most common are time and support. We all require these to stay on track to some degree. That is why being part of a community is so important, even if it is online.
Whenever I meet new people in my gym I tell them to join my community because we are dedicated to helping and supporting each other every day. It could be something as simple as new exercise ideas or help with creating a routine or meal plan from scratch.
Whatever the case might be, the MuscularStrength.com community members are waiting for you. Let us help you reach your goals together!
Want to sign up for Scott’s new fitness system? Head to www.LeanMuscleSystem.com
You can also connect with Scott on social media! Visit his Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & YouTube pages!