The Golds briefly reunited until Peter Pan revealed Rumple’s deadly secret. (Photo property of ABC Medianet)
By: Jacob Elyachar
So far this season, Once Upon A Time’s core characters (Emma, the Charmings, Rumple, Regina and Hook) traveled to Neverland to rescue Henry from Peter Pan’s clutches.
While Mr. Gold left the group to search for his grandson (and potential killer) alone, the gang recruited an old frenemy of Regina’s, Tinker Bell, to help with their quest.
Little do they know that Henry’s father (and Emma’s true love/Mr. Gold’s son), Neal Cassidy, recently arrived on the island!
Was the family able to reunite in Neverland? Read on to find out…
Neal escaped Felix’s clutches after he knocked the Lost Boy out and raced to find his son. Along the way, he found his father standing over two sleeping Lost Boys. Gold thought it was another illusion (like Belle) and stated that he was not real. Until Neal uttered the magic word: “Papa.” United, the father-son duo prepared to face Pan.
While they managed to find Pan’s hideout and knocked everyone out except for Pan…the immoral brat revealed that The Dark One kept a huge secret from his son that involved Henry. Once Pan was left frozen, Neal demanded answers from his father. Rumple spilled the Seer’s prophecy that a boy would reunite him with his son but would also lead to his undoing.
Gold added that he did not know that the boy would be his own grandson. Neal angrily asked him: “Did you plan to kill him?” While Gold pleaded with his son that only his magic could protect him from Pan, Neal angrily froze Rumple, said “Goodbye” to his father and took off with Henry. Once Rumple unfroze, Belle’s “ghost” tried to comfort him with no avail.
As the Dark One’s evil personality began to re-sprout, it turned out that Baefire should have listened to his father as Pan’s forces recaptured Henry. After bidding Baefire adieu, Pan began to manipulate Henry’s mind with a familiar tune from his days as the Pied Piper.
Though Pan begun to brainwash Henry, Emma and Regina tried everything in their power to find him. Luckily, Hook was able to find Neal’s Neverland cottage, where the quintet found a homemade navigator that can help everyone get back to Storybrooke. Meanwhile, Hook advised Charming (who was dying from the dreamshade poison) to tell both Emma and Snow his condition. Unfortunately, the Charming patriarch did not listen to the pirate.
Next week, Captain Hook’s origin is revealed!