The “American Idol XIII” Final Four sang about heartbreak, make-ups and dedications. (Photo property of FOX)
By: Jacob Elyachar,
While it is definitely hard to move forward from Sisaundra Lewis’s elimination from The Voice, it is time to shift gears and move on to American Idol!
However, I would not like to be in the Final Four’s positions. It seems like each of them has an uphill battle to face. For Alex Preston and Jena Irene, they might encounter fan backlash because of their decision to go against the producers’ twist (which caused the elimination of Sam Woolf). Frontrunner Caleb Johnson is definitely in hot water because of his “R-Word” remarks in an interview. Also, let’s not forget the constant Haley Reinhart-like bashing that Jessica Meuse is experiencing from Jennifer Lopez and Mr. Nicole Kidman.
Who delivered the best performances of the night? Who might be eliminated tomorrow night? Read on to find out…
Tonight, the Idols sang all about love and heartbreak! They tackled break-ups, make-ups and dedications!
Rocker Caleb Johnson revealed his personal heartbreak about a girl that never called him back. He kicked off the night with a fiery “You Give Love A Bad Name.” As I watched Caleb performing, I wished Leeza Gibbons and Tony Dovolani were performing their Paso Doble in the background. I liked how that he growled at Keith and the fact that he brought his A-game! This performance had shades of Adam Lambert and I hope that Jon and Richie were watching that performance! A
Jessica tackled Kelly Clarkson’s break-up anthem: “Since You’ve Been Gone.” It always risky to cover the inaugural winner, but I thought she did a good job covering the song. As much as I liked seeing her stage presence go, I was happy to see that Keith and Jennifer were moving during her performance. While it was Harry that gave her a verbal black eye, the judges agreed that she has come a long way. B+
Alex Preston tackled another Alex on the Idol stage: Alex Clare. His cover of “Too Close” showcased an Indie rock feel. While I thought he delivered vocally, I wish he took a bigger risk and went up-tempo. B- Jena Irene closed out the first round with her cover of “Heartbreaker.” This is a fantastic performance and I think she put a certain member of Team Adam in her place! A
Caleb dedicated CCR’s “Travelin’ Band” to his bandmates back home. I loved hearing Caleb tackle rockabilly and he did not bore anyone in with his second performance. That final note also sent everyone to the heavens. B+ Jessica tackled P!nk’s “So What” for her dedication to her haters. For the first time on this show, I saw a spark in her eyes and it looked like she was having fun! Brava, Jessica!! A-
Watching Jena Irene tackle Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” was like watching a horrible knockoff performance. There was no flavor or glory notes! What happened to Jena at the piano? She was magical with it! This song was the train wreck of the night. D
Alex closed out Round Two with Jason Mraz’s “I’m Yours” to his girlfriend: former X Factor USA and American Idol XIII standout Jillian Jensen. I loved seeing Jillian smile while watching Alex perform. Nice work, Alex. B
Caleb kicked off the final round with his make-up song! Paul McCartney’s “Maybe I’m Amazed” has been covered multiple times on this show. It is hard to top Crystal Bowersox’s iconic cover of the song and I thought that Caleb did a subpar with this cover. There was no feeling in the song and while the judges (Keith and J.Lo) stood up, I am giving him his first F of the season.
Jessica’s final stand was a cover of Lady Gaga’s “You and I.” I loved that she showcased both the slow and up-tempo in the breakdowns. Jessica’s voices gave me the chills and if this is how is she is going out, she came out swinging! I will buy her album when it comes out on iTunes. A+
I am glad that Jena returned to the piano. She delivered a Grand Slam worthy performance of the King of Rock’s “Can’t Help Falling In Love” that had J.Lo out of her seat during the middle of that song. In addition, J.Lo got up to kiss her at the end of her performance. At least it shows that Jennifer has a heart. A
Alex Preston closed out the night with Coldplay’s “Yellow.” While I am very unfamiliar with the Coldplay track, I believe that this song will be Alex’s ticket into the Final Three. B+
Tomorrow night, the Final Four become the Final Three as a contestant is eliminated from the competition.