Either Josh Kaufman, Christina Grimmie or Jake Worthington will become the winner of Season Six. (Photo property of NBC)
By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com
Tomorrow night, Jake Worthington, Christina Grimmie and Josh Kaufman will leave it all on the stage as they try to go after Tessanne Chin’s crown and sash!
But, before we go into the final performance night of the season…here are the 10 performances that caught the attention of the nation!
10. Jake Worthington, “Don’t Close Your Eyes” (Team Blake)
Last season, Jake auditioned with no luck as none of the coaches turned around. However, he struck vocal gold as his cover of “Don’t Close Your Eyes” caught the attention of the two Voice stalwarts and Shakira.
9. Emily B, “Wicked Game” (Team Shakira)
The best Team Shakira Blind Audition of this season belonged to Emily B. Her vocal was very haunting and she gave everyone in the audience (and at home) goose bumps!
Dani Moz redeemed herself in the eyes of America with her pitch-perfect rendition of Lady Gaga’s “The Edge of Glory.” (Photo property of NBC)
8. Dani Moz, “The Edge of Glory” (Team Shakira)
Over on the blogosphere during the Battle Rounds, many fans voiced their unhappiness with Shakira choosing Dani Moz over quality artists such as Emily B and Clarissa Senna. However, Dani Moz proved her haters wrong and delivered the best performance on Team Shakira’s Playoff night.
7. Christina Grimmie, “Hold On, We’re Going Home” (Team Adam)
The biggest challenge in a singing competition is performing a rap song! Christina Grimmie tore up one of Drake’s signature tracks by showing off her impeccable vocal range (loved the high notes) and her showmanship.
6. Stevie Jo, “There Goes My Baby” (Team Usher)
Is anyone still ticked at Usher for not choosing Stevie Jo to enter the live shows? Stevie Jo’s cover of “There Goes My Baby” was the best male Blind Audition of the season! His falsetto was fantastic and it showcased the talent and potential that he has in the music industry.
Kristen Merlin delivered a fiery cover of Carrie Underwood’s “Two Black Cadillacs” that took her to the Live Shows. (Photo property of NBC)
5. Kristen Merlin, “Two Black Cadillacs” (Team Shakira)
It is a shame that we had to wait until the Playoffs began to hear Kristen Merlin perform! After a stellar Blind Audition, the production team montaged her! However, she proved that good things come to those who wait and delivered an outstanding cover of Carrie Underwood’s hit from her 2012 album: Blown Away!
4. Kat Perkins, “Get Lucky” (Team Adam)
Kat Perkins made Voice history as she broke the infamous Bottom Three curse twice! Adam and Kat gambled on this hard rock take Daft Punk and Pharrell Williams’ “Get Lucky” would take her to the Semifinals! She also joined Juliet Simms, Amanda Brown and Kat Robichaud on the show’s rockers pantheon!
3. Josh Kaufman, “All of Me” (Team Usher)
Viewers got a glimpse into Josh Kaufman’s world as he performed John Legend’s hit. By adding the personal touch of the photos of Josh’s family, it excelled his vocal performance and gave him the edge that he needed to reach this week’s finale! Also, I think he joined Jeff Jenkins, Chris Mann, Will Champlin and Matthew Schuler as being the best male vocalists The Voice ever produced!
2. Sisaundra Lewis, “Oh Sherrie” (Team Blake)
Season Six will go down as the Season of Sisaundra. This mom of three and former vocal director for Celine Dion was not only the best singer of the competition, but also the most consistent. She sang with so much passion and conviction and grew her fanbase with each performance. However, she breathed new life into Steve Perry cheesy hit and proved that anything song that she touched turned to vocal gold.
Sisaundra and Biff’s battle was the not only the best battle of the season…but also one of the best battles in the show’s history! (Photo property of NBC)
1. Sisaundra Lewis vs. Biff Gore, “It’s A Man’s World” (Team Blake)
Speaking of turning songs into liquid gold, Sisaundra was also part of the best performance from this season! Her battle with Biff Gore showcased that both elder statesmen could out sing anyone in the competition! Plus, with over 1.1 million views and counting, it is one of the most viewed battles of the past four seasons.
I do not own any of the clips that are sprinkled in this article! They belong to NBC and One Three Media Productions!