The Wilders (from left: Betse Ellis, Nate Gawron, Ike Sheldon and Phil Wade) perform one final time on the Knuckleheads stage before going on hiatus. (Photo by Jacob Elyachar)
By: Jacob Elyachar
For 16 years, Kansas City-based band the Wilders revitalized bluegrass and country through their incredible chemistry and harmony that has rocked American and European stages. However, the quartet: Betse Ellis, Nate Gawron, Ike Sheldon and Phil Wade surprised fans when they announced back in December 2011 that the band will be taking a hiatus.
“The hiatus came about because things were coming up in the band and we were moving in different directions as far in our personal lives.” said Nate Gawron, the Wilders’ bassist. “We have always tried really hard in trying to make the band work but when it came down to it, it was better to go on hiatus and figure out what we want to do with this.”
Longtime member and lead vocalist Ike Sheldon, who serves as the band’s master of ceremonies on stage, stated that the hiatus was inevitable.
“It had to happen, we have been performing together for a long time.” Sheldon said. “Sometimes you have to take a break, it might be a final break or it could be a little break but there’s no point in telling you what it is at this point.”
Concert and festival promoter Leo Eilts, who has been a longtime friend of the group, said that the economy could have played a definite part of the band’s hiatus.
“The budgets that were out there (for touring bands) are not there anymore, they have gone away.” Elits said. “Festivals and concert promoters, who had bigger budgets before, do not have the money anymore. So they cannot afford to hire a band the quality of the Wilders anymore.”
When the Wilders announced that their June 30th concert at longtime Kansas City staple Knuckleheads would be their last date together, Elaine Pate, her husband Mike and nephew Jason were amongst the 500 loyal fans that packed Knuckleheads to see the band perform together for one last time before the hiatus.
“We’ve seen them perform in Columbia, Missouri four times,” said Elaine Pate. “We’ve seen them in perform at Crossroads (a Kansas City concert venue) and we could not let tonight go by.”
For more information about the band, visit their Website:
To see my photos from the night, visit my Facebook page’s photos tab:
Great website with extensive offerings. Very impressive, Jacob!